
    What Is Neuroimmunology?

    Neuroimmunology is the analysis of how the immune system and nervous system relate to one another in the presentation of chronic problems. Neuroimmune disorders are the ultimate look and identification of these conditions as soon as they’ve created sufficient change to be seen on a laboratory test like blood analysis.

    Neuroimmune disorders

    These are complex demonstrations that have three predisposing environmental factors. Infections have been associated with disease and illness. Certain microbial organisms are credited to the reason for numerous diseases. For instance, in Lyme’s Disease, the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi is the most frequent cause in North America, while Borrelia afzelii, and Borrelia garinii are more prevalent in Europe. Once the bacteria start to flourish from the body, immune function declines, neurologic changes happen, digestion becomes impaired, and tiredness and other symptoms become more widespread.

    Many infectious organisms also open the doors for co-infections, and other opportunistic infections to further complicate the patient’s presentation. If the infection isn’t addressed early enough, chronic burdens become debilitating to those who continue to have immune system flare ups. Lyme’s Disease is called “The Great Mimicker” as over 300 distinct neurological, immunological, and other chronic conditions have been misdiagnosed and mistreated when the real origin was a fungal infection. Neurologic complications triggered from viruses comprise: encephalitis, polio, meningitis, encephalomyelitis, Creutzfeldt-Jakob, and much more.

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    Take note

    Toxic metal and chemical exposure also contributes to the chronic effects of Neuroimmune ailments. Xenobiotics are compounds found in our own bodies which aren’t normally produced or expected to be there. Xenobiotics can include naturally occurring substances or manmade products also. Common examples include plastics, mercury, formaldehyde, and dioxins. A frequent debate in the autism world is the potential correlation between vaccinations and present autism trends. Before 1983, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended 10 distinct immunizations before age 6.

    By 2007, the CDC had improved the immunization program to include 36 distinct vaccines in the exact same time frame. In 1982, the estimated incidence of autism was 1 in 10,000 children, and by 2007, the rate had climbed to an estimated 1 in 150. Vaccines contain various xenobiotics, including lead, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, antibiotics, and aborted fetal tissue.

    Xenobiotic exposure

    The quantity of xenobiotic exposure has sparked many debates, research experiments, and courtroom battles as it pertains to the safety of the products in our own bodies. Whether vaccines cause autism remains for debate, yet xenobiotic exposure certainly contributes to the neuroimmune presentation that many patients experience. From pesticides, herbicides, vaccines, plastics, aerosol vapors, mercury fillings, and the countless different sources of toxic chemicals and compounds, a individual that undergoes neuroimmune disorders will often show progress through the elimination of these toxic substances.

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    Food intolerance’s or sensitivities are extremely distinct from food allergies. A food allergy produces a potentially life threatening encounter where a person has symptoms of anaphylaxis or death. Food allergies stimulate an IgE immune response. Common foods that make an IgE reaction include shellfish, and peanuts. Food intolerance’s or sensitivities can cause different symptoms such as headaches, bowel disturbances, inflammation, seizures, and more, but aren’t considered life threatening. Food intolerance’s start an inflammatory reaction that requires the IgA, IgG, or IgM parts of the immune system.

    Good to know

    Common food sensitivities contain gluten containing grains, dairy products, tomatoes, soy, and corn. Many individuals are knowledgeable about somebody who is”lactose intolerant.” Lactose intolerance usually contributes to symptoms like bloating, flatulence, weight loss, nausea, headaches, etc. and it’s estimated that 30 million Americans over age 20 experience this condition. Gluten intolerance’s can differ from mild symptoms such as lactose intolerance, or can be severe enough to make autoimmune activity for example persons with Celiac’s Disease.

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    In both demonstrations, poorly digested gluten molecules stimulate IgA, IgM, and IgG immune reactions which cause inflammation, and symptoms from consuming this substance. Screening tests that have blood, saliva, stool, and intestinal biopsy are utilized to find food sensitivities. Once the sensitivity is identified, eliminating the dietary trigger is a significant step in helping a person experiencing neuroimmune disorders.


    Chronic conditions often frustrate patients and physicians alike because of the complexity of the patient’s symptoms, and the broad selection of patient complaints. Addressing the factors that result in the neuroimmune disorders are vital for assisting a patient increase their level of wellness. Whether the individual is undergoing Lyme’s Disease, autism, lupus, Celiac’s Disease, or any other autoimmune or chronic disease, appropriate testing ought to be used to identify the existence of any disease, toxic burdens, and food sensitivities.



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