
    What Is Hysterectomy?

    At 50 years old, my wife started to suffer from really bad lower back and stomach pains. These eventually became so severe that she had been made to pay a visit to her doctor, despite her protestations that it would pass and all would be well. Why it’s that women insist on waiting so long before seeking medical help is beyond me.

    Male pointview

    Most of my male friends seek guidance within hours of feeling unwell! My wife was finally diagnosed with endometriosis and advised that a hysterectomy would be a good idea to ease her illness. For some reason, my wife saw this as a significant upset and after she was from the operation and in the security of her home she broke down in floods of tears. If there are other guys in this scenario – for goodness sake be sympathetic. I was accused of it! But to be honest, she was totally correct.

    I had no idea why she was so angry. However, if the sugar bowl whistled past my ear, I decided that it was time to discover. Hysterectomy, my buddy, indicates the end of not just a woman’s fertility, but – in her eyes – her childhood. And so, your treatment of her needs to be gentle and respectful at all times – or you may suffer her wrath. Once the decision to undergo a hysterectomy was created, we (I was studying by today and we shared all decisions as a team) had to decide the best type of process for my spouse.

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    This choice was based on the nature of her troubles and her family and medical history. We’d done our homework and completely understood the alternatives available, which I will not go into here since they’re readily available elsewhere. We asked many questions and I’d recommend that you do the same. What process was to be carried out? What care will be required and for how long? What, if any, after effects of the surgery could we expect? As both the uterus and the ovaries were to be eliminated in my wife’s case, we were aware that the beginning of a hysterectomy menopause could start almost immediately.

    Keep in mind

    Whereas most ladies can adjust gradually to menopause, my wife had literally hours and bless her, she struggled to come to terms with her situation. By this point I had spoken with female friends who’d gone or were going through menopause and all of them told me how important a strong support system was. And so I made every attempt to tell my wife how beautiful she was and to remind her that we had the rest of our lives to anticipate. I even proposed a few days away for us in a romantic escape.

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    But being ready for the physical symptoms rather than taking into consideration the psychological ones is another error that I made. My woman suffered from hot flashes night and day. She occasionally bloated so much that she resembled a puffer fish (sorry, could not resist). But the one which I was not expecting, was the acne. Even as a teen my spouse had a wonderfully clear skin and now she was covered in spots. Again, I came up trumps and sent her off to a skin specialist to obtain a wonderfully relaxing massage and advice on a skin care routine.



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