
    What Are Yeast Infection Treatments That Really Work?

    Three out of four women will get a yeast infection in their lifetime. What is the culprit? The culprit? An overgrowth in Candida albicans. Although this fungus is not harmful to the body, it can cause yeast infections by altering the body’s pH levels. There are many remedies for yeast infections that have been proven to be effective in eliminating this uncomfortable, but common problem. Learn how to eliminate yeast infections naturally.

    Yeast infections

    These occur when the vaginal pH levels change from acidic to neutral, which creates an environment for Candida growth and flourish. A yeast infection can be caused by many things, including pregnancy, diabetes, and menstrual periods. Also, antibiotics and birth control pills can cause it.

    These infections are common but they can be annoying and bothersome. There are many home remedies for these conditions. Yogurt is a popular option for treating yeast infections yourself. It is best to start treatment as soon as possible after you suspect that you have an infection.

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    Home Remedies

    Go to your local supermarket or natural food store and buy yogurt with live cultures. You can either eat the yogurt or use it to treat your vulvae and vaginal areas. The yogurt contains good bacteria, which fights yeast overgrowth in the vagina. Teatree oil is a popular remedy for yeast infections in many parts of the globe. It is available in many natural food stores throughout the United States.

    Teatree oil can be used to treat yeast infections. However, it is important to dilute it first as it can sting if applied to sensitive areas. Teatree oil can be added to a sitzbath. It can also be diluted and applied to your vaginal region with a cloth or a suppository using a tampon.


    One of the many health benefits of garlic is its ability to fight fungus. It’s not surprising that many women swear by the home remedy for yeast infections. First, you’ll need a fresh garlic clove. You have two options. One, you can apply the garlic directly to the affected area by inserting the clove into the vagina or two, you can rub the juice of a fresh clove onto the area. Another option is to chew a fresh clove. Continue doing this until your yeast infection is gone (usually within a few days).

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