
    Does Garlic Combat The Swine Flu?

    The H1N1 viruses, more commonly called the swine flu, is once more in the public spotlight as flu season descends upon us like a bull on the crowded streets of Pamplona causing anxiety and health official running amok crying about flu shots.


    It’s also important to consider all of the media hype surrounding this illness with a grain of salt and to realize that if you keep your immune system in great shape with a wholesome diet and exercise, it’s likely that you won’t receive the swine flu.

    The Orthomyxoviridae or Influenza Type A (H1N1) viruses was first discovered in 1918, and could be contracted through infected pigs which are managed by humans. If you think what the new anchors are telling you, then the swine flu is the next great plague that’s guaranteed to wipe out humanity and make the world like the one in 12 Monkeys.

    Did you know?

    In fact, the number of those who have actually died from the swine flu is rather small and nowhere near “pandemic” proportions. The individuals who have succumbed to the H1N1 viruses are usually in a state of poor health with no build flu defense and many people who get it, will likely live to tell their grandchildren about it.

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    Saying this, it’s still sensible to take some precautions when visiting public places. Wash your hands with great antibacterial soap once you touch things and dress warmly. However, unless you’ve got a severely compromised immune system, there’s required to go strutting about with a surgical mask on. The swine influenza is a virus which targets weak immune system, so the best way to keep it from affecting you is to keep your immune system in tip top shape with a great diet plan that supports your immune system.

    What to do?

    Avoid processed crap and eat a sensible meal of whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meats such as fish, turkey and chicken. Another thing you could do is to make certain to incorporate character’s ultimate immune booster: garlic in your daily diet. Research indicates that eating garlic regularly can boost your immune system, helping your T-Cell work better and more efficiently. Garlic also helps improve your blood circulation and keeps your arteries elastic which will also help you to stay healthy and uncompromised.

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    Garlic also includes powerful antibacterial enzymes like Allicin and Ajoene that have proven the capacity to kill any potential invaders. So, should you happen to find the swine influenza and feel all of the symptoms including a fever, chills, body aches, lack of appetite, coughing, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhea and nausea, don’t panic. Instead there are steps you can take to limit the viruses’ influence on your body.


    First, steer clear of solid food and drink plenty of filtered water, freshly squeezed juices, and broth. Another terrific way to break the swine flu’s hold on you is to add garlic cloves to your juicer and juice it with your preferred juiced veggies and fruits. Fresh garlic is a strong anti-viral herb which will make it hard for the H1N1 to stick around. The sooner you eat garlic once you cut, juice or crush it, the better because the greatest antiviral enzymes are made right after.

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