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    Kadın Öz Savunma mı? Güvenli Flört Uygulamaları

    The contemporary world of dating has changed a whole lot in recent years. In the past, an individual would satisfy a potential suitor through local activities such as church or through community relations. Now, however, the internet has opened up a totally new world of options for finding a mate.

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    Unfortunately, along with these new opportunities, people with less than savory dating strategies also have emerged. It’s for this reason that each and every woman, no matter age, should learn the fundamentals of women’s self-defense. Women’s self-defense is an important set of skills that you needs to investigate.

    These new and significant talents can be obtained through courses at the local community center, YMCA, YWCA, and a few are offered through the local law enforcement agencies. Since the classes are so easily available, no girl should ever live in fear of an expected attack by a new suitor. Before, the potential date could be known to the girl, or at least understood by the woman’s relatives or friends.

    In this instance, an individual could be relatively assured that their date would treat them well and act like a gentleman. Today, however, the “blind date” can be an individual who has actively misled the girl by minding his intentions, beyond bad behaviours, as well as criminal convictions. It’s again, for this rationale, a woman has to be confident in her abilities to thwart off unwanted advances and there’s not any better way to attain than by mastering the art of women’s self-defense.

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    Along with learning about and pursuing the acquisition of the essential skills of women’s self indulgent, one person also has to use caution when meeting the new suitor. Rather than allowing the unknown person to come to one’s house, a single woman, or an woman living with other women, should satisfy up with the date in a mutually agreed upon place. This meeting place should be very visible and people, thus leaving no chance for a prospective attacker to obtain an unacceptable advantage.

    This method has additional benefits for individual security because fulfilling the date, rather than being given a ride, allows one to have access to their own transport, and aren’t left at the mercy of potentially harmful suitors. This is also a good practice even when the would be suitor isn’t a complete stranger. There’s nothing harder to endure than a day out with the wrong person. When one has given their own transport, they can leave whenever the opportunity arises and still, perhaps, salvage a day. The practice of meeting a new suitor rather than letting the guy to return to your house has additional benefits.

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    A intelligent woman shouldn’t give out her address and personal information to strangers, but if one allows the unidentified date to come to her home, she’s doing that. Yes, it’s necessary to meet new people and the world wide web has allowed us to expand our planet, but that new world is filled with unsavory individuals in addition to potential mates. Sophisticated ladies know that Mr. Right may be right around the corner, but Mr. Wrong might require a little deterrence by means of women’s self-defense.



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