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    Korsanum'un Faydaları Nelerdir?

    The heart is our body’s engine. By controlling risk factors we can drastically reduce the number one cause of death worldwide.

    Heart Health: 5 ways to improve it

    • Smoking is harmful to your Health

    Smoking can cause a number of damage to the body, including the deterioration in the arteries. The short- and medium-term effects of quitting smoking are very positive. After two years of not smoking, your risk of developing coronary heart disease has been reduced significantly.

    • Sağlıklı Beslenme

    The Mediterranean diet, which includes nuts and consists primarily of vegetables, fruits, fish, meats that are lean, beans, and olive oil, can reduce cardiovascular risks and heart disease mortality.

    • Keep your Cholesterol in check

    Strokes and heart attacks are primarily caused by the obstruction of arteries due to an excess of LDL (bad cholesterol). This is due to the excessive consumption of saturated fats in processed foods such as full-fat dairy, cold meats and industrial pastries. By keeping cholesterol levels within established limits, the risk of heart disease is reduced.

    • Manage your Stress

    Stress is now included in the European Guideline for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice since 2012. It triggers high blood pressure.3 Learning to deal with stress and problems improves both emotional and physical well-being.

    • Fiziksel olarak aktif

    Physical activity can reduce your risk of developing heart disease. In order to maintain our cardiovascular health, it is important that we include some form of exercise in our weekly schedule. Experts recommend 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week.

      Kayropraktik Bakımın Faydaları Nelerdir?

    What is Corsanum?

    Corsanum, a heart-health supplement, is specially formulated to promote good health. Corsanum is a supplement that contains folic acids, vitamin D, and magnesium. These elements help to reduce blood pressure. This in turn helps the heart to work properly.

    Ingredients of Corsanum

    • Folic acid

    Folic acid is a synthetic form folate. This B vitamin helps to make new cells in the body. Low folate can increase cardiovascular risks including high blood pressure. Numerous studies have demonstrated that folic acids may reduce high blood pressure through the relaxation of artery wall, resulting in a reduction in pressure. Over time, folic acid supplementation decreased the levels of high blood tension by about 3%.

    This is enough to offset the negative effects caused by this disease. Folic acid is found in many fruits, vegetables, and cereals. Since the average person consumes only 100 to 150 micrograms per day of folic, it’s necessary to supplement in order to get the 400 micrograms recommended daily.

    • D Vitamini
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    When exposed to sunlight, the body produces vitamin D. It supports our immune system and helps us absorb calcium in the intestine. Low vitamin D levels are common in people who live in cold climates due to a lack of sunlight exposure. You can also be deficient in vitamin D if you spend most of your day indoors. Vitamin D regulates blood pressure. It is a vital regulator of kidney hormones, which help to control the amount salt retained. Observational studies have shown that blood pressure is higher in winter, which may be due to a lower level of vitamin D.

    Genetically modified mice models showed that vitamin D regulated blood pressure even when the mice couldn’t synthesize it. Unfortunately, there are conflicting results from many human trials which have demonstrated that vitamin D prevents high blood pressure. These studies require more time to control many other impractical variables. Consider taking vitamin D supplements if you spend most of your time indoors, or if you live in an area with a seasonal change in sunlight.

    • Magnezyum

    Magnesium also helps the arteries to relax, lowering blood pressure. However, it works differently than garlic or folic acid. Between 500 mg and 1000mg of magnesium can reduce blood pressure between 2-5 mmHg. Magnesium combined with foods low in sodium and high in potassium may lower blood pressure more effectively than magnesium supplements alone. One of the many formulations that contain magnesium contains taurine. This may be most effective at maintaining blood pressure levels. This formulation is labeled as magnesium taurate.

      Birçok Baş Ağrısı Türü Var mıdır?

    This formulation will allow for a better magnesium absorption and reduce any gastrointestinal side effects that may be associated with other magnesium combinations. Magnesium Citrate is one of the most popular formulations. Magnesium Glycinate is a form of magnesium that uses the amino acid glycine, which can be found in many nutritional supplements. This formulation may help sleep problems, anxiety and stress.

    Corsanum also contains: Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Chromium, Molybdenum, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2(riboflavin), Pantothenic Acid, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B12 (biotin), Vitamin C .


    Corsanum – A happy Heart

    Corsanum is a combination of ingredients that will bring you happiness and relieve any discomfort. You can live comfortably if you take good care of your health, maintain a healthy diet and use Corsanum. We always recommend you to purchase Corsanum from the official website: Corsanum Original



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