
    How To Take Ownership Of Your Health?

    Over time, I’ve conducted extensive research on health issues like obesity, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. I also have studied theories of behaviour change. What jumps out at me the most is how lots of these conditions are preventable. Yes, you can find non-modifiable factors however, it’s our behaviors which are causing harm to our health and wellbeing.

    Healthy habits

    Essentially, we’re all aware of our unhealthy behaviours as well as the consequences associated with them. I feel like I’m a misfit in society because I really enjoy physical activity, going to the gym and pushing my body to its limits. I was also criticised heavily since it took me almost two weeks to finishing watching the next season of Stranger Things. Let that sink.

    We live in a society in which it’s the standard to watch an entire season of a tv set over a weekend, let alone 1 day and this is entirely acceptable, even encouraged. I feel like I must justify why I do not binge watch tv, why I wake up early to work out and why I limit processed foods (among a number of other components ) in my diet. My motive is simple, I do it for my health.


    Health is a priority for me and I wish to manage the daily challenges of life with the least amount of pain, distress and sickness as possible. I’m not a machine, I get ill on occasion and I have a history of injuries. I watch tv and movies and I’m known to indulge in a meal or snack of the unhealthy variety on occasion. I try to maintain my immune system best and decrease my risk of harm through flexibility and strength training.

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    Let’s examine exercise. Most of us know it is beneficial to our health, not only physically but emotionally too. Increased levels of physical activity have the potential to lessen the risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease (among many more) based on multiple sources. We all know that being inactive increases the risk of the mentioned conditions, yet a lot people decide to do nothing about it.

    There’s a disconnect between what we know and what we do. Do we not prioritize our health and quality of life? Do we get distracted with the simplicity of technology and everything accessible at the touch of a button? Do we know how many deaths could be prevented every year by modifying our behaviours? So a lot of what we encounter is preventable if we take the necessary precautions.


    We don’t need to wait till we get diagnosed to make a change. We are able to make changes so that we do not get diagnosed. We do have time if we make it a priority. We can get an array of excuses why we do not exercises of we could focus on reasons why we should. I can honestly say that I am 100% responsible for all the injuries I’ve sustained within my lifetime. Whether it was neglect, ignorance or ego, I was responsible and I take full ownership of that. Now let’s take ownership of our health and try for development.

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