
    How To Prevent And Treat Migraines?

    There are many non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical ways to reduce migraine pain. Eyestrain is a common trigger for migraines. Make an appointment to see an optometrist, ophthalmologist, or both, to have your eyes checked. Also, have your prescription for contact lenses or eyeglasses updated.

    Migraine Headaches

    These are often caused by dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ). The lower jaw joins the skull at the temporomandibular joints. You can feel the mandible (jaw), moving under your skin by placing a finger directly in front of your ear. Migraines can be caused by misalignment of this joint. You might also experience headaches if you open and close your mouth, especially when you’re eating.

    Dental work can cause misalignment, such as an imbalance in your bite or grinding your teeth during sleep (bruxism), or stress that causes clenching of the jaw muscles. TMJ dysfunction can easily be treated with a variety of techniques, including massage, heat or cold, anti-inflammatory medication, stress management techniques, and stretching and massage.

    Let’s see…

    A dentist can recommend a bite plate to align your jaw or a nightguard to prevent bruxism. This is why it is important to have a dental evaluation. A second dental device is placed just above the front teeth. This is in contrast to night guards and bite plates. The nociceptive trigeminal inhibit (NTI) is a device that keeps the front teeth (incisors), in constant contact. This prevents other teeth from touching them. NTI is a theory that migraine sufferers have hyperactive trigeminal nervous systems.

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    These nerves supply the jaw muscles and can cause jaw clenching in migraine sufferers. Migraines can be triggered by the resulting muscle tension and pain. The NTI prevents contact between the teeth at the back of your jaw. This completely stops clenching and bruxism. This can be done by touching your front teeth together. It’s physically impossible for you to clench your jaw simultaneously. FDA-approved, the NTI can prevent migraines.


    This strategy uses the mind-body connection to teach you how to control bodily functions that seem to be out of your control. Biofeedback is a well-established therapy for many medical conditions. Training is available at hospitals, medical centers, clinics, and other locations. A technician attaches a sensor on your skin to measure one or more conditions, such as muscle activity, skin temperature and pressure within the blood vessels.

    These measurements are transmitted back to you in the form of a flashing or beep. You’ll learn how these measurements change in different situations during training sessions. When you’re stressed (or startled), your blood vessels contract and your skin temperature drops.

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    Your muscles also become tighter. Next, you need to learn techniques to counter tension. This will allow you to gain control over triggers that can lead to migraines. You can purchase biofeedback sensors online. Working with a trainer can greatly increase the effectiveness of biofeedback.

    This technique has been shown to reduce migraine attacks. TMS uses a specialized electromagnet that is placed on the scalp and emits short magnetic pulses to stimulate your brain. In 2006, researchers at Ohio State University found that TMS could reduce migraine symptoms. However, this study has not been replicated by other researchers. TMS is not yet proven to be effective in treating migraines.



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