
    Does Alcohol Magnifies The Symptoms Of Menopause?

    Since Perimenopause, the start of Menopause, can begin at very different ages for different girls it’s hard for a woman to recognize new feelings. It’s impossible for a woman to understand that changes have started to occur to her system which will influence the way she feels and thinks.


    Are you currently an active social drinker? When you drink have you seldom had problems with becoming too intoxicated prior to now? Have you known your tolerance level for alcohol, and knew when to stop until today? But, now you’re discovering episodes of over intoxication, even unreasonable thinking, anger and behaviour that just is not you. Some of this must sound familiar, because, you’re reading this report. I am a guy. My view is different, but I have gone from the other hand.


    Perimenopausal symptoms never pop up and became evident to girls. This Menopause thing is a long, slow and difficult procedure. The changes may occur gradually and be subtle. Anger brought on by hormonal fluctuations can feel like the anger you’ve dealt you’re your entire life. But the cause of the feeling is hormonal without your knowing it. Obviously, all of the symptoms do not start at the same time, but start to appear over long amounts of time and you just don’t pick up on it readily.

    This is the reason women believe feel as though they are going mad. You really feel as though you’re only, in a “bad mood” today. Then, more symptoms start to happen more frequently and you do not really notice this type of change in your body . When the frequency of Menopause symptoms, become markedly closer together, you start to question what’s happening with you. You understood that spirituality proved to be a part of life, but nobody starts out with personal experience with what it’s like, and what affects the procedure will cause.

    Sometimes the signs of moodiness, depression, insecurity, sadness become very tough to cope with. Much like any individual with depression and anxiety, people sometimes start to “self medicate” to alleviate the pain. If you are a social drinker, who knows their tolerance for alcohol and your problems cause you to drink more, this may create a cycle of increased drinking past the amount that can handle. You’re drinking yourself toward problematic outcomes. Can it be the same with a menopausal woman? Yes it is, but worse.

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    As a result of new and unknown hormonal imbalances due to the changes occurring in her system, her whole body make up is changing dramatically in inconsistent ways. You can see what could occur? The hormones which flow throughout your body are you. They make up the way you feel and think.

    Hormonal Changes

    Hormones are the secret to how your body and mind respond to everything around and in you. Including the fact that, as hormonal levels “fluctuate”, your tolerance of alcohol may change too. These hormonal imbalances can vary from one day to the next., Your system may change from hour to hour. You may logically search for something to slow down the rush of feelings, moodiness and anxiety. A drink appears harmless. But, without your knowing it, you no longer know exactly what its consequences will be.

    What begins to occur in girls is rapid, more dangerous. You might realize that on one night you can have social drinks all evening and everything is fine and normal. Two days later, you could stagger and slur your words. You may say things that could never truly mean. Later on, the following morning, you might not remember exactly what it was that you did or said. Or, if you had an argument with your spouse, or a loved one, you might not even recall the the reason you were why you were angry. What I have observed, is that as the months and years go by there emerges a pattern.

    Women will gulp all beverages when on her period, and then drink more slowly and conservative when not on a time. This cycle was the “aha” moment for me and my spouse. Perimenopausal hormonal changes can cause women to believe in an entirely psychological manner, without the balance of wisdom. The following day a better hormonal balance can return for you and believed is more accurately a balance emotion and intellect.

    This is exactly what you had been like before. But, as I said, you’ve not believed these changes in your life. You certainly aren’t prepared to address them when in an extremely emotional state. If you start drinking alcohol in this state to unwind, you’ll be hit with a double whammy. You’re highly emotional and your tolerance to alcohol is reduced. I’ve observed that different kinds of alcohol may affect you more than others.

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    Good to know

    For my connection, the most damaging type of alcohol is red wine. A favorite of her for several years, it’s still very attractive to her, but brings on the worst episodes. This simple fact makes it important that you continue communication to the close people around you, like a husband or a friend, they could help you watch out for the signs and slow you down on those evenings when tolerance is reduced. On a few nights red wine may just be too tough to tolerate. You may see that you don’t have just “hot flashes” on red wine; but rather you have “hot complete evenings”. Red wine is a good example.

    For some women it may be something else, such as gin or anything. This shows again how important it is to communicate with partners and friends. Be certain you speak to people around you about all of the changes which are happening with you. It is possible to work together to keep life as normal as possible. As I said, this moves slowly, but I’m convinced that if you’re aware and watch for the changes, then you’ve got an increased chance to focus on seeing the changes and managing the symptoms.


    There’s a reason that I wrote this report. It’s based on my desire to inform others of what we’ve learned. I’ve observed what I’m passing on to you. . I am a guy and I can not feel what my wife is feeling, but I could observe her and see what she’s doing. Then I can help her if she needs it. A friend of ours, who’s the exact same age as Andrea or so once said. My suspicion is that our friend was in some point of perimenopause when she said this. It’s a funny statement, but a critical subject. I’m not going to moralize or preach against drinking. I will point out that the man and the girl in the relationship need to perform their research, communicate. Only by working together can a connection between menopausal women (and girls will alll eventually be menopausal) manage to thrive.

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