
    Are There Safe External Hemorrhoids Remedies?

    External Piles can be treated at home with home remedies. This is a safer alternative to surgery. Piles, or hemorhoids, refers to abnormal swelling of the renal vessels. This happens when the veins are exposed to excessive pressure during hard stool movement. Constipation is the main reason for piles.


    External Hemorrhoids and External Piles are formed at the lower renal canal, on the skin around the anus. Externalpiles can be felt as lumps when touched. They can be irritated during bowel movements, causing pain and itching. They will bleed and swell when there is a rupture. This can cause severe pain. It is possible to experience severe pain if there is a blood clot on the external piles. It is known as Thrombosed External Piles.

    External hemorhoids can be treated with medical and surgical methods. These methods can be very painful and have permanent side effects. The treatment will also be expensive. The temporary relief of pain from external piles can be provided by over-the-counter medications. Thrombosed external piles must be treated surgically. External piles can be treated with proven natural remedies.

    Home Remedies

    These Home Remedies, also known as Home Remedies, are very popular because they cure the piles completely. They are safe. The home remedies are safe and healthy. To eliminate all types of piles, it is important to prevent constipation. You must have a soft bowel movement if you want to avoid constipation. Only by eating the right foods can you achieve this. These are the changes that should be made to your daily diet.

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    Include lots of fiber-rich foods in your diet. Fiber will soften stool and smoothen bowel movements. Eat lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and grains. For seven days, people with chronic constipation can be on an exclusive fruit diet. This will help to cleanse the intestines and give relief to the digestive system. You can start eating natural foods starting on the 8th day to ensure smooth bowel movements.


    Get plenty of water every day. This will allow for easy bowel movement. Take your time and chew your food thoroughly. Reduce your intake of coffee, teas, colas, and beer. Apply Witch Hazel cream to the affected area. The treatment of piles is very easy with Radish. Take 100g of grated radish and one spoon honey twice daily. You can also make radish juice with salt.

    Make a paste from white radish and milk, and apply it to the affected areas. It will reduce swelling and pain. Combine half a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice, one teaspoon fresh lime juice, one teaspoon mint juice, and a tablespoon honey. This is a great way to get rid of piles. Mix fresh bitter gourd leaves juice with buttermilk. This juice can be taken every morning to heal bleeding piles.

    Take Note

    Mix two grams of dried powdered mango seeds with honey every morning. This will heal bleeding piles. Mix sugar and a few onions in some water. To stop bleeding, take this 2 times daily. The fruits of chebulicmyroblan (a plant) can be roasted in cluster oil until it turns brownish. After it has become brownish, grind it into a powder. Take half a teaspoon daily before you go to bed. This will ensure smooth bowel movements and heal bleeding piles.

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    Every morning, take Black Berries with salt. It is very effective in treating bleeding piles. Boil 20 grams of sesame seed in 500 ml water until it is reduced to 1/3. Make a paste of the seeds with water. Add it to butter. In hot water, wash 3-4 figs. Allow them to soak in water for at least one night. In the morning, eat the figs with the water. The same procedure can be repeated in the evening. Continue the treatment for three to four weeks. This will allow for smooth bowel movement and cleanse the alimentary canal. In a tub of warm, warm water, dissolve the epsum salt. Allow the water to soak your buttocks for a few moments. Repeat this process 3-4 times per day.


    External Piles can cause bleeding, pain, and itching. The remedy must address all symptoms. You can live a pile-free life by identifying the root cause of constipation and following one of the most effective natural remedies.



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