
    Are There Gender Gaps For African Women In Technology?

    Sustainable Development Goal 5, Target 5.6 (b) is extremely clear; to boost the use of enabling technology particularly Information Communication Technology to foster the empowerment of women. From it I derive power to articulate on the chance of attaining Goal 5 target 5.6(b) by 2030, 14 years from now.

    Let’s start

    But am thinking if this goal would be met with the situation at hand? Anyhow, I’ll let you be the judge. Technology is changing the world faster, though it’s masculine and hard, yet is well worth noticing. One thing that’s indisputable is that ICT seems snail in changing women world, as companies that are female related take back seat in ICT drives. As less women and women continue to overlook in ICT value chain and more guys continue to into the ICT world, the balance is clear.

    Clear to the extent that, how many women are taught how to develop computer software, how many are computer literates, how many are into repairs of hand computers and phones, what are we doing to lure girls in electronic career? It’s superstitious to believe that ICT can encourage promiscuous in girls and is only an empty excuse. Superstition is a major gap and a comedy, yet is a powerful influencing factor which has hold Africa guys’ in captivity for so long no matter the background.

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    Undoubtedly, information technology communication vis a viz the world wide web has changed lives and is still changing lives, it has changed how we do things, what we do, where and when things are done. It’s made the world more contemporary than time. Close boundaries and open boundaries, left the world into little space for all. The only thing as I see that net is to do would be bridging gender gaps.


    Gender inclusivity in technology could be sensible thing to do if we need a safer and better world for all. Gender inequality remains barrier to the accomplishment of Sustainable Development Goals and Goal 5 specifically. It’s unfair to understand that Men still find it hard to understand the undertone of SDG Goal 5 – I. e Gender Equality, and then tighten it into technology. Think, what does gender equality actually mean to guys?



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