
    Kdaj se začne menopavza?

    Menopause generally kicks in when we’re over 50, but occasionally women may experience it as early as in their 20’s or 30’s. It can affect us in various ways. I wish to give you some useful information but also try to make it quite lighthearted. There’s very little point in feeling grotty, reading this and feeling more miserable! So, let’s lighten up. How will menopause affect us?

    Hormonski dejavnik

    As our egg production slows down and our estrogen levels change we’ll observe that we’re getting more gray hair, need to wear glasses longer, have lost the”glow” that our hair and skin used to have, and might have more and more painful periods. We might also be getting a bit forgetful. At the office the over50’s women have put up a”forgetful corner”. When we struggle to recall something we pop in the corner, have a tiny laugh and often what we have forgotten floods back to us.

    We’ve shared and rested our anxieties and moved it on. We’ll likely also be experiencing “hot flashes”. These mean that you’re the only person who can stand out on a winters day with only a T shirt on while all around you’re dressed like an Eskimo.

    Vroča bliskavica

    Of course these frequently come over us in waves. So one minute you’re requesting the heating to be turned down then after some time you’re complaining it is simply too cold. You will think you’d been quite reasonable; one minute it (or you) were boiling, and the next you were freezing. Of course the irony is that the room temperature had not changed, it was your body thermometer heading out of sinc.

    Night sweats will make you unpopular in bed as in the depth of winter you might have to throw back the bedclothes and need to know “Why is it so hot in here?” You’ll end up covered in a moist, dewy perspiration whilst the individual next to you is beginning to feel their teeth straightened! Another change that will also occur will be on your understanding of the world.

      Zakaj je koristno izvedeti več o menopavzi?

    This could possibly be put down by other as you’ve got “trouble with your hormones”.

    Bad Mood

    What occurs during menopause is that often you may see the world totally differently to other people. You might lose your temper and become quite angry with somebody who wouldn’t have normally fazed you. At the time your behavior will seem quite rational for you and you’ll most likely wonder what all the fuss was about. However, if you’re to be shown a video of your response you wouldn’t recognize yourself and might even be forced to cringe!

    You will vow never to act like that again, until ofcourse the next time it kicks in! You might also find when you’re in the middle of a hormone surge that a number of situations might easily be rectified with violence. Again rational thought and behavior has left daily and you’re at the mercy of this hormone surge. Take some deep breats and deliver a calm picture in your mind.

    Kaj storiti?

    Enough of those symptoms what can we do? Obviously you’ll have visited your physician and hopefully received some fantastic advice. If this is to take HRT then this is your choice. If you would like some alternative and more natural alternatives then I’ve listed a few below. These are used for centuries and in many european countries are controlled like other medications. It’s very important to choose the purest source you can find, from an ethical and knowledgeable supplier, as cheaper products could be bulked out by materials like talcum powder.

      Zakaj bi se morali zgodaj naučiti, kaj je menopavza?

    As they are busy products also bear in mind that they might have side effects and may also respond against other medications you might be taking. This is used for depression, and clinical trials have shown it appears to have few side effects. Additionally, it doesn’t impact your libido, which can only be good news.

    This herb is popular and helps to deal with the indicators of premenstual syndrome(PMS) which also occur during menopause. These symptome include irritability, depression, tearfulness, breast tenderness, bloating, headaches and mood swings. Makes you wonder how we live sometimes, does not it? This is a fantastic supplement for your own anxieties. It’s proven to help with depression and memory loss and clinical trials have seen it improve endurance.


    This herb is derived in the buttercup family and is used to help with hot flushes, sweats and lack of concentration, irritability and depression. Additionally it is crucial during menopause to eat well, exercise moderately every day, even if it only means using the stairs rather than the elevator, and taking suppliments for bone density. Vitamin D and calcium are great for this.



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