
    Vad är betydelsen av hormonersättningsterapi?

    Menopause means”the pause in menstruation” and is related to the time a woman had her last menstrual period. Generally, girls experience this between the ages of 45 and 55, but occasionally (though infrequent), as early as 30 years. This accompanies body modifications like hot flushes, fatigue, depression, and an irregular cycle may occur years before the onset of menopause.

    Hormonella förändringar

    The three hormones produced by ovaries are progesterone, estrogen and testosterone. These hormones aren’t produced by the body after menopause. Although, estrogen may nevertheless be produced by fat tissue, that is why fat girls don’t experience estrogen deficiency symptoms after menopause. The body needs estrogen to remain healthy and long-term estrogen deficiency problems like angina and stroke,Dowager’s hump, hip fracture, genital degeneration, hip fracture, and osteoporosis, are becoming common because these girls approach this stage. These health issues reduce quality of life among those girls. The great news is, it’s preventable.


    Hot flushes, night sweats, headaches, palpitations, excessive fatigue, crawling sensations beneath the skin, and insomnia – are due to disturbance in the normal working of the blood vessels. Mood changes, depression, loss of memory, feeling stressed, and stress – are emotional symptoms. Dryness of vaginal tissues and influenced bladder- that leads to desire to urinate more frequently and make sex uncomfortable.

    Loss of interest in sexual intercourse- this is a result of dryness of vaginal tissues and influenced bladder that loses the impulse in girls in sex. Prone to fractures, back aches, muscle pains and osteoporosis- because of lack of power of body’s supporting tissues and thinning of the bones.


    Estrogen deficiency

    Heart ailments and strokes grow among women after menopause. Before the occurrence, girls were shielded by their estrogen. Studies shows that management of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) after menopause, reduces the risks. HRT is reported to be significant for women who have risk factors for heart disease, those with higher cholesterol levels, obesity, and who have high blood pressure. It’s reported to be administered more notably to women who experienced menopause at a really early age.

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    Hormon Replacement Therapy. This means replacing the hormones which have been previously been produced by the ovaries. HRT reduces the incidence of heart ailments and strokes. Although, it still under research on this subject, it’s thought that short-term memory will be improved and Alzheimer’s type called dementia will be decreased. Genitourinary problems in old age will be lowered. It prevents bone loss and osteoporosis. It follows that the quality of life will be preserved while 40 percent of excellent life will be decreased and will continue to lasts for ten decades or a lifetime after menopause to women without HRT.


    HRT won’t result in weight gain. Some girls might experience initial side effects like a bloated feeling, breast tenderness and fullness but theses are only reactions tend to settle down over the first few months of treatment and you don’t have to be worried about. HRT doesn’t suppress ovulation and, therefore family planning methods should be implemented to prevent unwanted pregnancies during this phase. Women with history of liver disease, clotting problems, or estrogen dependent cancers should have a different sort of therapy. HRT has to be taken 5-10 years for estrogen deficiency symptoms, 10-20 years if for osteoporosis prevention and life treatment ought to be done for preventing cardiovascular disease and stroke. Calcium supplements should be taken daily together with HRT. Calcium won’t be absorbed by the body if there is no existence of estrogen in the body. Around age 45-50 or anytime you feel you might be experiencing estrogen deficient symptoms, consult your physician straight away and ask about HRT and if it is going to fit your health needs. Remember: Don’t take any medicine without consulting your physician first.

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    More info

    Have a very busy life and exercise every day. Eat a well balanced diet avoid fatty foods, liquor, cigarettes, and dangerous drugs. It’s a general understanding that to have a healthy life, we ought to always find time to exercise, to get enough sleep, and also to consume low-fat, low-cholesterol, fibrous diet. We always understand this. But, not all folks who understands practices what they understand.

    So, if you are among them, you need to do this healthy lifestyle principle this moment. Make certain vitamins have the crucial ingredients for this to be helpful to your everyday body needs. Smile and even when you’re out of tune, hum and sing a lot. Take everything in life as an adventure. Don’t dwell on the pressures it will provide you but concentrate on how to address problems in life with a positive outlook and a smile even when the going gets tough. Every woman will experience menopause.


    No woman is exempted. Therefore, we should treat ourselves so that we’ll grow old gracefully with no undesirable symptoms menopause could bring. We’ve got a choice. It’s up to us what decision to take. DISCLAIMER: This article wasn’t written to encourage and endorse any HRT manufacturers or some other Pharmaceutical companies. This is composed only on my quest to help girls like me to become more educated about their health and to help them enhance their life.



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