
    Påverkar klimakteriet hjärtats hälsa?

    For many years researchers thought that hormone treatment was beneficial for heart health. Medical professionals routinely prescribed hormone replacement therapy to women as a preventative measure for heart disease. However, several important studies, like the Women’s Health Initiative, have cast significant doubt on this clinic.

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    In actuality, there’s substantial evidence that demonstrates hormone replacement therapy may increase the chance of cardiovascular disease. With this kind of information, how do woman protect her heart through menopause? In this guide, we will answer this crucial question. A woman has a reduced rate of heart disease before menopause compared with men her own age.

    After menopause, however, a woman’s rate of heart disease increases considerably, until by age 65, her risk is equivalent to that of her male peers. Recent research has found conclusively that there isn’t any coronary health benefit for women with a history of cardiovascular disease, who take estrogen or estrogen and a progestin. Studies have also found that women without a prior history of heart disease may also face an increased risk for heart disease when taking hormone therapy.

    Estrogen therapy

    It remains a safe, short-term alternative for some women, but many other remedies are also available to assist you manage menopausal symptoms and protect your heart in this important phase of your life. There are a lot of things that menopausal women can do to lower their risk of cardiovascular disease. First, stop smoking and lower your alcohol intake. This will almost immediately lower your blood pressure.

      Vad bör vi veta om klimakteriet?


    Secondly, eat a diet low in saturated fats and plentiful in whole grains, vegetables and fruits. A diet high in omega-3 fatty acids, like those found in cold water fish, can protect against cardiovascular disease. Cold water fish include salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and halibut. Fish oils high in omega-3 fatty acids may also help prevent blood clots, can reduce inflammation in the blood vessels, and may encourage a normal cardiac rhythm. Increasing dietary fiber by eating a whole foods diet high in vegetables can lower cholesterol levels and may have a positive influence on the health of your heart.


    Exercise is a most beneficial activity for women during menopause. Before you cringe, bear in mind that the exercise doesn’t need to painful and strenuous. For the benefits to your heart health, you need to get your heart rate up for twenty minutes. Gentle exercises that promote freedom, flexibility and comfort, while decreasing soreness and stiffness are best. Vigor and vitality are often enhanced with regular exercise. Using stairs whenever possible and increasing daily walking time are just two of the best exercises.

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    Avslutande anmärkning

    Since women often struggle with sleeplessness and exhaustion during menopause, the last thing that they could be considering is going out for a walk. However, besides improving your heart health, regular exercise has several other benefits. Once you get in the habit of exercising, you will realize that your body feels more relaxed, your mood will improve, and you’ll even feel fuller. You do not have to get an expensive gym membership and pump iron till you drop. A brisk walk many times a week is all you require. Before you know it, exercise will become a part of your routine you will look forward to each day.



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