
    Kan muskler hjälpa mot huvudvärk?

    Excruciating Headaches – Muscles Can Really Be the Cause! It’s amazing that a small muscle located in the neck and shoulder, called levator capulae, can cause severe headaches that can debilitate a person for hours or even days. Although painkillers may temporarily relieve the pain, the extreme pressure can withstand even the most powerful drugs.


    Concentrated pressure on the muscle will eventually eliminate the pain completely. When under tension, it is common for people to raise their shoulders. This is why the muscle can cause headaches. The levator capulae muscle is located on the top/outer edge your shoulder blade and originates from your first three cervical vertebrae.

    The levator scapulae muscle contracts if it is not held in a contracted position for a prolonged period of time (e.g., when you are under stress or sleeping on a pillow with too much or too little thickness), and it pulls and shortens the cervical vertebrae. This causes them to move outwards.

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    Imagine This

    Imagine the bone sliding to one side and the LEFT side pressing directly into the spinal chord. It is impossible to describe all the complications that can occur when the levator capulae becomes tight. But consider what happens to the disk between vertebrae and what happens if multiple vertebrae are being pulled simultaneously or pulled on both sides. The bone also presses on the nerve that runs out of the vertebra.

    This causes pain around your temples, base of skull, and neck. It also puts pressure on the nerve that connects to your sinuses. People have reported experiencing sinus relief after tension is released from this muscle. Place your three middle fingers where your neck meets your shoulder. A round bump approximately the size of an olive will be found. You can press down as hard as you can on the bump. You can hold it for 60 seconds.

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    Gör detta

    Next, “walk” your fingers up the back side of your neck. Repeat the process each time you find a painful bump. Continue pressing down on your posterior neck, all the way to the top of the shoulders. If it hurts, it’s likely that you have a spasm causing the pain. It takes some practice to master this treatment, but the results are well worth it.



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