
    Hur behandlar man läckande tarm-syndrom?

    Leaky gut begins with damage to the mucosal lining that lines the digestive tract. This mucosal barrier is responsible in large part for support of the immune system. When it’s damaged by drugs, chronic stress, bad diet, toxins or an imbalance in natural flora the immune system is significantly diminished resulting in vulnerability to disease.

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    Progression of the problem leads to damage to the tiny finger-like microvilli, which line the walls of the intestines. These microvilli supply the digestive enzymes necessary for proper nutrient absorption. This causes poor food digestion which might cause nutritional deficiencies. A healthy intestinal lining will allow only completely digested nutrients to pass through the gut to the bloodstream.

    When damage progresses, undigested food particles, bacteria, parasites, yeasts and many different other substances pass through the intestinal lining into the bloodstream. This leads to severe trauma to the immune system and causes many health problems like migraines, arthritis, depression, stress, fatigue and a lot of others.


    The now restricted immune system isn’t capable of fighting off each of these ailments, and has to work overtime in the effort to do so. Approximately 80 percent of the immune system is the result of Immunoglobin A that’s created by the mucosal lining of the digestive tract. When the mucosal lining of the intestines isn’t working this can lead to autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks parts of the body it’s supposed to protect.

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    When the mucosal lining is compromised this restricts or ends production of the Immunoglobin A disorder fighting antibody and leads to exposure to many sorts of infections. The melancholy fighting neurotransmitter Serotonin can also be produced from the gut, when production of the substance is restricted or stopped by leaky gut syndrome that the regulation of appetite, metabolism and disposition endures, and depression may set in.


    Proper digestion of food in the gut provides the entire body with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and to function correctly. Leaky gut at this stage becomes a double issue because the body no longer has the capability to fix the gut that may as a result become progressively worse. This contributes to a progressive diminution of the bodies ability to heal itself and frequently leads to serious ill health.

    Irritable bowel syndrome, often referred to as IBS, is frequently related to leaky gut syndrome. Much more research has to be done into the causes and the effects of leaky gut syndrome. Most of the suggested treatments at the current time are based on lifestyle and diet. Some very encouraging results are obtained by eating a diet that produces optimal conditions for curing of leaky gut. Lifestyle changes may also work nicely by reducing stress which aggravates leaky gut.


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