
    Тег: Натуральные добавки при менопаузе

    How does Glikotril take care of your Health?

    Hypertension is one of the most common problems of recent times. Thanks also to the frenetic pace of life we have to adapt to. Our body is a really powerful machine, but constant stress and strain can undermine its functionality. A disordered lifestyle, poor diet and stress are the main factors that lead to pressure problems and hypertension. If we don't take care of ourselves,...

    How does Friocard care for Cardiovascular Health?

    High blood pressure (arterial hypertension) is a widespread disease characterized by permanently high pressure in the blood vessels. This high pressure starts at 140/90 mmHg. In the long term, high blood pressure damages the blood vessels and thus contributes to the development of secondary diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. With high blood pressure (hypertension), the blood pressure values are permanently too high....

    Существуют ли травяные средства от менопаузы?

    Menopause is a stage that a woman's menstruation ceases for one year and ends her reproductive cycle. Most women may experience menopause symptoms such...

    Как лечить проблемы с приливами жара?

    If you are having hot flashes, then you need to understand that not there's a natural cure for hot flash relief. You don't have...

    Как преодолеть менопаузу?

    It's no surprise that more men and women of menopause/andropause era are now seeking after holistic programs based largely on traditional Eastern medicine. There's...

    Что вы должны знать о женщинах и менопаузе?

    Menopause in its simplest terms is the end of menstruation for girls. It occurs mostly in women aged 50 and older yet can affect...

    Естественное лечение менопаузы?

    В период менопаузы приливы жара согревают женщину, поднимая руки вверх, шею: "Пожалуйста, пусть это пройдет!". В некоторых случаях ее организм испытывает...

    Чего ожидать в период менопаузы?

    Menopause, also referred to as the "change of life," occurs in each woman differently. While your sister may experience hot sleep and flashes problems,...

    Как остановить симптомы менопаузы?

    Но доступно ли вам это утешение? Каждая женщина должна пройти через менопаузу - подлинный момент в ее жизни, когда она переживает...

    Лечат ли биологически активные добавки симптомы перименопаузы?

    Natural perimenopause remedies fall into two classes, the ones that promote general health and longevity, and the ones that relieve perimenopause particular complaints. I...

    Что делать в период перименопаузы?

    As a female approaches the ages between 40-50, the chances are that she'll begin to enter perimenopause soon. This is actually the start of...

    Как лечить симптомы менопаузы?

    Why is it that modern medicine appears to have so many answers to numerous questions, and yet we keep getting sick? This may be...

    Пробовали ли вы это травяное средство от менопаузы?

    For a delicate condition such as menopause, occasionally a one-size-fits-all solution just won't cut it. There are various things that aggravate menopausal symptoms, and...

    Чем опасна менопауза для здоровья?

    Менопауза, как и менархе, - это не то, что мы, девушки, можем контролировать. Это случается, когда случается, хотя современная медицина оказывает некоторую помощь при