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    Care sunt emoțiile menopauzei?

    Emotions are a part of the procedure. It’s composed, somewhere in a book by Suzanne Somers or Christiane Northrup; perhaps it is from the Akashic Records. Unresolved emotions flare up in middle age with excellent intensity, especially during menopause.

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    If you haven’t read about it, then you can surely see it in “Sex and the City 2,” when one of the girls becomes inundated with her 52-year-old menopausal symptoms. Without giving away the story, the frequent rawness of menopause is brilliantly portrayed by the incredible and colorful personality, Samantha. As always, she enacts what many girls have wanted to express at some point or another yet have been unwilling to expose that level of angst and urgency in themselves before the present of uncensored spontaneity was offered up through menopause.

    Much like a very long Saturn Return, menopause humbles us by reflecting to us exactly what society has held true for a lot of the known time line: our mortality and our limits. It compels us to acknowledge and make boundaries; we become more effective and responsive. We start to consciously excavate emotions we thought had long since vanished; and if we do not do so knowingly, it comes up anyway.

    E bine de știut

    Not everyone experiences this psychological phenomenon–possibly women who opt for HRT; women that aren’t in a state of expanded consciousness, soul conclusion and heart opening; girls in complete control, or women who were born prior to the baby boom era–yes, there might be a concentration of those a-symptomatic girls who do not have emotional symptoms. And, they need to be living on Mars. On the other side of things, there are also very tender, loving and powerfully vulnerable states of being that well-up in this cycle of existence.

    It’s a period of heart opening and self-acceptance, a time to learn about unconditional empathy instead of the ungrounded and spun-out senses of the excessively sweet and the caretakers of others. Over the past several years, I’ve spent some time polling and interviewing women about menopause, and in accordance with this bunch of facts, one thing is apparent, a lot of women experience emotional distress and heat distress concurrently.

    Ce trebuie făcut?

    The only way to live through a dance with one of these beasts is to breathe, open top collars, drop any attachment to picture, and drum up the courage to completely expose our brightness and the dark side of ourselves. I’m one of those girls. Some say old, stagnant feelings are expressed through the warmth as it flushes up and outward. Some say the warmth itself generates the fiery feelings of anger, frustration, anger and irritability. Some say they’re excited about being outspoken and are just less conducive to inanities and societal mores.

      Care sunt simptomele menopauzei?

    Others take no prisoners and believe that the communicating swords they take not only weed out those that aren’t actively seeking transformation and private truth, they quickly cut off any ties and energy drains with individuals who want a free ride. Regardless of what the origin, or causes and consequences, it surely makes sense that emotions and activities previously relegated to basement living today wish to develop a little bit of sunshine, and occasionally rear their ugly heads when everybody in the world is watching. If you’re flying under radar or are loathe to expose any part of your secret self, then you may want to turn the clock back, re-entering as a man or a reptile this time around.

    Știați că?

    Women in menopause, at least a large proportion of the 6 million U.S.. More significant, there were quite clear social rules of approval, things you do, and things you do not do. Standing in a current market, surrounded by guys, yelling and stripping off your clothes while still in a fear of sexy flashing would have been around the”do not” list a decade ago; today, who knows, it may be respectfully applauded.

    Are some of these circumstances comfortable?

    • We were invited by our moms never to go out unless we looked great and we certainly had to be great. Many of our Mom’s remained at home, wore pearls, tight-waisted dresses or skirts, corseted upper bodices, and heels all day long. My Mom posted a tag on the fridge;”think thin,” it stated.
    • At the start of our menstrual cycles we started to keep everything a secret, particularly hiding our new position from our Fathers and brothers. If we were fortunate enough to have a conversation with an elder about this section of womanhood, we weren’t quite as surprised as it showed up that first time. Usually it was quite embarrassing to be a young woman whose life suddenly wound from control getting bloodied with the inner warfare of puberty.
    • When we were young, we concentrated on what was most important: to be sexy and acceptable to men.
    • We were disregarded right along with our emotions as non-human and frequently untouchable, especially when we’d menstrual symptoms. Messiness and rogue feelings were in the peak of the list.
    • As we began working, being a girl was second to men and we struggled to obtain higher paying jobs. Once we got those tasks, we suppressed our feminine sides to play at the male paradigm. What else is suppressed inside that basket of masculinity?
    • Only victim states were notable and acceptable. We often utilized this nation, sandwiched between tears, to control our circumstances.
    • Menopause wasn’t discussed and our Mothers often said they did not detect anything unusual nor did they have any symptoms. At least they did not need to share these items with us, creating still another key for the lineage bearers to maintain.
      Cum să produceți hormoni de creștere?

    This is our base, for the most part, and it’s our life’s journey, our soul assignment to clear this bit of our lineage. Together with that, is it any surprise that women currently navigating the rushing rivers of melancholy and all it is secret tributaries, might have a few words, hand gestures and an emotion to express, or three or two? With societal oppression the standard, the subsequent self-suppression and a little bit of research, it appears like a few of the more common psychological motives would be the very acceptable and masculine energies of anger, frustration and rage, except when it comes from a woman.

    Țineți minte

    And here we are, largely in our 50’s, demonstrating we’re capable and ardently outspoken, saying it like it is! When girls claim they’re unmotivated, depressed, apathetic and feeling hopeless, under that’s victim-related anger. Beneath even that’s deep sadness and despair. When girls say they’re worried, full of apprehension and anxiety, this can be another symptom of suppressed anger and aggressiveness. When women act out passively aggressively, there’s hidden rage at its origins.

    Even if women complain, judge, or act petulantly, they’re often expressions born from something long forgotten and buried deep in the psyche. Suspicion is the mouth of what’s been suppressed our entire lives and its boat floats adrift, and moaning on the river of self-doubt and dread. Although these states of being and mind are shared by all people, they look more widespread and visible inside the demographics of menopausal aged women and they may be restrained no longer.

    Like the suffragettes, we’re driven by this cellular awareness of imprisonment and yet we’re really the forerunners of change in our world at the moment, if just for the vulnerability of the frequent shadow and condition of humankind. With so many girls living inside the symptomatic home of projection, and whose religious cost, as they say, can light up a small town, we can’t dismiss the participation middle aged women make to the development of our planet.

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    These aren’t merely symptoms of bodily menopause, or in the opposite end of the spectrum, a state of spiritual enlightenment. They’re symptoms of growth, existence, alter, transmutation, transformation, soul conclusion, attunement and healing. Menopause not only causes deep changes in girls, it arouses the gifts of humanity. If we can only breathe through this small sliver in eternity, adopting the complete gamut of emotions, consciousness and compassion for ourselves, we could change the world, developing a planet full of cooperation, respect and love for each facet of our individual being-ness, and all that exists here.



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