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    Sunt Flashes de căldură menopauză bun nou?

    Toate rapoartele și discuțiile referitoare la bufeurile de la menopauză s-au bazat întotdeauna pe temperamentul lor nedorit și pe consecințele negative. Vă apropiați de menopauză sau ați ajuns la acest stadiu? Atunci s-ar putea să vă fie teamă de acele nopți (sau zile) în care ați putea avea o căldură extremă a corpului uman și înroșirea feței și a altor părți ale corpului, deoarece transpirați abundent ca...

    Țineți minte

    Now do you understand that these same ‘adversities’ can turn out a blessing in disguise? Yes, because it’s been demonstrated that hot flushes or hot flashes may greatly lower your chance of developing breast cancer. Several researches by specialists and scientists in the field of medicine have been lending credence to the fact your hot flashes could save you from the two most common types of breast cancer, invasive ductal and invasive lobular carcinoma.

    A breast cancer epidemiologist in the Hutchinson Center’s Public Health Sciences Division and his team of physicians and scientists, completed a study on this topic and arrived at the conclusion that if you’re having hot flushes and other menopause symptoms, you might likely have up to a 50 percent lower chance of developing the two most frequent types of breast cancer cited earlier, when compared with postmenopausal women who haven’t experienced these symptoms. It’s no longer news that a decline in the amount of estrogen in your body is the most probable reason for the hot flashes you experience during menopause. It’s however, a matter of interest that these exact hormones, estrogen, play a substantial role in the incidence of the majority of breast cancers in women.

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    The link

    Now you can see the link between the incidence of hot flashes during menopause and a reduced breast cancer risk. In a recent poll carried out by the National Cancer Institute that interviewed about 1500 women, with 68 percent of those women discovered to be having breast cancer, the incidence of menopausal symptoms like hot flushes among the girls were used as the controls. I’m positive that you would brighten up by now if you’re experiencing menopause hot flushes or if you’re approaching menopause, understanding that you’re more inclined to escape from a more dreadful health situation. This should greatly reduce your stress and depression.



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