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    Care sunt simptomele menopauzei?

    You may already know about the most common symptoms of menopause, but they’re worth mentioning anyway. Most of the time people going through menopause will experience hot flashes, night sweats, loss of libido, mood swings, vaginal dryness, and irregular intervals. If you’re going through a combination of these symptoms you might be going through menopause. These symptoms will usually last throughout menopause, but it’s likely a woman could experience some of the most common symptoms of menopause for the remainder of their lives.

    Simptome comune

    The most frequent symptom is hot flashes and it is estimated that between 75 and 85 percent of women will get hot flashes during menopause. Hot flashes may appear very sudden and they essentially are a tingling sensation of warmth throughout the whole body. This may cause flushing in the face and upper body and they may be quite intense or very fragile. Every girl is different and these can vary quite a bit from one girl to another.

    The night edition of hot flashes is referred to as the night sweats and this may save you from getting good rest. You could also experience variations on your sex drive together with irregular periods and vaginal dryness. All of these are very common and most women will experience all the symptoms of menopause in 1 way or another.

    Modificări ale corpului

    There are a number of changes your body may undergo and the most common is fatigue. Most doctors say that fatigue is undoubtedly the most frequent of the changes girls face when going through menopause. It’s not a sense of having to sleep, but instead a lack of energy and a sense of not wanting to do much of anything. You could also experience hair loss, memory lapses, dizziness, weight gain, incontinence, bloating, brittle nails, depression, anxiety, irritability, allergies, difficulty concentrating, sleep disorders, change in odor, and irregular heartbeat.

      Ce se întâmplă în timpul începutului menopauzei?

    These are the symptoms of menopause which could be considered changes to a woman during menopause. Weight gain is the change most women fear the most and this can be caused because of your body simply not having the identical caloric intake as it used to. Since the reproductive system no longer requires the aid of your diet your body won’t need as much food everyday as you’re used to eating.

    Dieta adecvată

    Changes in diet and exercise can help prevent weight gain. Sleep disorders are also quite common when women undergo menopause partially because of night sweats. You may find you’re sleeping less and less restful, which might result in insomnia. This can as much as twice during menopause due to a lot of different factors and not just night sweats. Some of the other changes you might go through are not as common, but more serious.

    If you find you’re struggling with concentrating, you have an irregular heartbeat, or you’re feeling confused and disoriented quite frequently, then it’s time to get the support of a health professional. These are symptoms of something more serious than simply menopause.


    There are a small number of pains you may experience as symptoms of menopause such as: headaches, burning tongue, gum problems, muscle tension, tingling extremities, breast pain, joint pain, electrical shocks, digestive troubles, and itchy skin. You may not experience all these various pains, but most commonly breast pain and pain will come with menopause. Breast pain will come in the kind of tenderness and tenderness at one or both of your breasts. Your chest will be quite sensitive and you may feel discomfort on an overall level, but the true pain is normally related to pressure or touching on the breast.

      Care sunt remediile terapeutice în timpul menopauzei?

    It the pain is intense and last for 2 months or more it is time to speak with your physician. Headaches are also quite common and are caused by one of the other pains like muscle strain. They may also be caused if you drink a lot of alcohol during menopause or you become ill during menopause.


    Some of the stages of menopause will come with worse pain compared to others. The last one of the signs of menopause is Osteoporosis. This is more of a side effect which can appear later after menopause, but it’s still work discussing. Because of all the changes your body is going through with menopause it can result in osteoporosis after several decades.



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