
    Nonlethal Self-Defense?

    Among the questions we get asked a lot is’what would be the very best things for nonlethal self-defense’? Sometimes the solution is a subjective one based on your individual preferences. But in this report we’re going to discuss, generally speaking, what the best products are for nonlethal self-defense. There’s absolutely not any question that these goods have become hugely popular in recent years.


    Part of that popularity was caused by the fascination with the taser gun which seems to grab all the headlines. And that’s no wonder, as it’s used by law enforcement agencies in high-profile take drawbacks of suspects. As a matter-of-fact near 18,000 law enforcement agencies in the U.S. And there must be a reason tasers are on the utility belt of those law enforcement officers.

    But practically right next to this taser gun is a pepper spray. Why do you assume these officers of the law, who put their lives on the line to protect ususe these nonlethal self-defense solutions? Is it because they’re the best self-defense products? For police officers nonlethal weapons are a part of the continuum of force, which starts out with verbal orders and escalates up to deadly force. The point is to use less than lethal techniques to get control of the problem with a defendant, before using deadly force. For civilians, nonlethal weapons are a means to trap an assailant in an attack situation, allowing you to escape and seek help.

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    There’s absolutely not any doubt that tasers are the most effective of self-defense products. They are almost 100% effective. The problem that lots of individuals have with the taser is the price tag. The least expensive version starts at about $400 that for many is simply too much. Regular non-taser stun guns start in the region of $20-$25 and can trap an intruder for up to 10 minutes.


    They aren’t quite as powerful or effective as the taser because they use a different methodology to disable the assailant. Tasers use high amperage and low voltage whereas regular stun devices use very large voltage and low amperage. Yet regular stun devices continue to be highly effective. Defensive sprays are near 90% effective and will be the cheapest of all self-defense product choices. Their prices start as low as five dollars sometimes. They could disable an assailant for as long as 30 min. They are legal anywhere.

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