
    Hvordan unngå skade hvis du blir angrepet?

    The importance of being aware of your surroundings at all times can’t be stressed enough. Many people might have averted an attack when they had just stayed alert and made smart decisions based on their observations. Sadly, in the wonderful rush of living, we tend to concentrate on ourselves much too much and don’t observe a threat coming, or a poor situation arising.


    So what happens when you’re faced with an aggressor? Do you freeze, becoming compliant and hoping for the best, or do you think clearly and use your self indulgent training to evade, escape, or fight back? If you’re unfortunate enough to be placed in a situation that needs you to defend yourself, the odds are high that you didn’t see an attack coming.

    Even if you did spot the threat, the likelihood of being able to get prepared for the confrontation at the minutes leading up to the assault is slim. If you’ve been learning self-defense then your training should provide you an advantage, assisting you to make smart and quick choices in the fractions of a second before things go horribly wrong. These almost-instant decisions can make a massive difference.

    Hva skal jeg gjøre?

    You have just one goal if you’re attacked – to endure. People who have lived in very dangerous situations often talk of adrenaline pumping through their own body, appearing to slow down events to a crawl and permitting them to think and behave extremely fast. This is your body’s way of helping you to endure possible injury, but occasionally an incident is over in a few crucial seconds – moments that move along at their normal speed, so don’t expect a seemingly magical slowing down of time. You may only have fractions of a second to make decisions that could save your life, and the first thing that you should look for is a method of escaping.

      Er selvforsvarskniver trygge?

    If you find a way out of this situation then take it without hesitation. Don’t be afraid of looking silly. Silly is somebody who has hurt due to their fear of looking silly, so run away in case you can. If you can’t escape, then think about calling for support. Don’t underestimate the power of the human need to help someone in distress. Scream if possible, and shout the word,”Help”, if you’re able to.

    Make noise to attract attention. You want people to understand you’re being assaulted, and your attacker doesn’t. Even a drunken thug in a pub, who thinks he’ll look good when folks see him in competitive action might back off quickly if faced with a couple others that are willing to assist. There’s absolutely not any shame in calling for support. Fast thinking means quicker reactions.

    Flight or fight

    What if, in those short first minutes, you find there’s not any escape path and no help? You’re on your own and in an unknown world of impending violence. You’re likely to be hit, or perhaps stabbed, or even taken. Your life is at risk, and that often used term,”flight or fight”, comes into play. You run, or you fight back. With no method of escaping and no help coming you must defend yourself. Many sorts of self-defense will highlight the importance of striking first.

      Hvorfor er asiatiske kvinner så tynne?

    A knife attack could kill you with one hit. Your self indulgent training, which should greatly improve your ability to create clear and quick decisions in a dangerous situation, should let you calculate a potential attack of your own. Your attacker will likely not be expecting you to be immediately aggressive and this might provide you an advantage and permit you to escape unhurt. However, be aware you could make the confrontation a great deal worse by attacking.

    Vær oppmerksom på

    Every circumstance is different, but training in self-defense will improve your ability to analyze and respond accordingly. Are you going out and about day after day completely unprepared for difficulty, or are you ready as possible if a dire situation arises? From the moment you learn your initial self move you’re more likely to prevent harm than the average person is. Consider your survival. Can you not afford to have the advantage that learning to defend yourself attracts?



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