
    Kan vitaminer og kosttilskudd kontrollere vektøkning i overgangsalderen?

    The Search for relief from the signs and consequences of menopause, have taken a shift away from prescription drugs and hormone replacement therapy. With increasing awareness and new data in the region of vitamins and supplements, we’re beginning to see extraordinary results with no dangerous side effects. While we’ve taken great strides through the years in the region of conventional medicine, I believe that there’s been an immense field of research that’s yet to be discovered.


    The arena of natural nutritional supplements, vitamins and the holistic approach to treating many of the most painful ailments, is what I am talking about. Although I’m not a doctor or anything close, I’ve had my share of life threatening experiences with disorders of one kind or another. Through the cycle of recovery and treatment, I’ve done much research and experimenting with natural vitamins and supplements.

    • Our bodies thrive on organic foods and clean, fresh water.
    • Anything overseas which we introduce into our system such as, but not restricted to, chlorine, steroids, artificial or man made pharmaceuticals, or even bio engineered products, are incredibly harmful to our body in the long run.


    While short term effects might seem favorable to give relief from our specific symptoms, the side effects and long term consequences can be devastating. What I am describing is the slow build up of toxins in our body which, with time, will interfere with our immune system and natural defenses from performing their jobs. As a cancer survivor, I have seen firsthand the effects of chemo on healthy, living tissue that inadvertently gets destroyed together with the mutated cancer cells.

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    This onslaught of dead cells and toxins is a really large mountain to move to your body without some essential help in the kind of natural supplements and cleanses. If by now, you’re wondering what exactly does cancer have to do with menopause, my response is, in theory, everything.

    Know Your Body

    No matter the illness or affliction, our bodies know what’s best for them. Our job as caretakers would be to determine what we’re lacking, and provide ourselves with that naturally occurring substance. Producing some chemically designed drug that is extremely close to what we’re lacking, isn’t the solution. My wife had reached the point of “that change of life” a couple of years back.

    There appeared to be nothing which could facilitate the distress of the hot flashes,constant fatigue, and other difficulties related to menopause. This appeared to be unacceptable to me and to her. We knew there had to be organic vitamins and supplements which could restore her to the condition of health a 43 year old woman should maintain.

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    After much research, reading and trials, we arrived at natural remedy for those pesky signs of menopause. We shouldn’t give up on conventional medicine, as it has given us much hope and longevity. However, I believe that we have a tremendous amount of healing power all around us if we just take the time to learn what nature offers.



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