
    Imūnsistēmas kari?

    I’m referring to the treatment of disease. Let’s put this into perspective. When it comes to the treatment of poor health brought on by injury and accident big medicine does some sterling work. However, in regards to the treatment of disorder things aren’t so rosy. Let the facts speak for themselves. The main reason for all these unqualified failures in receiving the figures down? It’s quite simple really.


    When health is put into the hands of greed-driven businesses, gains placed over the real welfare concern of patients; traditional medicine with its restricted drug-based paradigm approach that only treats symptoms, inducing side effects leaving possible openings for expensive litigation, this is exactly what you get. Doctors entered medicine with the intention to conserve or preserve lives and give hope. Does it bother them that their schooling taught them to hurt patients beginning at infanthood; administering an overwhelming number of poisonous vaccines to children with an undeveloped immune system, prescribe medication that cause debilitating side effects or even accidental death, ignore vital life saving information related to nutrition and the mind-body-spirit link; what constitutes the fabric of our being. . ? Naturally, there’s another way.

      Vai ir spēcīgi dabas aizsardzības līdzekļi pret galvassāpēm?

    After all, how long can the human race go on like this? Many are administratively well-planned for ill health or the event of death, but how many are actively well-planned for health? According to statistics there are good chances that a lot people won’t make it to provide that retirement address. Chances are there will be a fatal heart attack or stroke or get cancer, or 1 in 6 people will have diabetes, 1 in 3 asthma, 1 in 4 a psychological illness, while 8 out of 10 stand to deal with the consequences of not exercising as higher blood pressure and obesity continues to skyrocket.


    Having said all that the remedy is to understand that the fate of our health is in our hands. Ignorance is no longer an excuse. All the information required to do the essential research and take management is available. The war on our immune system could be obtained. The reply to health and longevity is in producing easy, gradual changes in lifestyle and diet.

      Kas atkal izraisa galvassāpes?



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