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    The migraine, tension and cluster headache are the most common types of headaches. The migraine theory is usually only one active substance, ergotamine. This alkaloid is found in the grain ergot along with its chemical derivatives. The ergotamine can cause pain to increase over time.


    • Pre-phase. Pre-phase: Light-sensitiveness, visual and crawling sensations, dizziness, or general feeling of malaise
    • Pain-phase. A pounding, one-sided headache that causes nausea and vomiting.
    • Oedema-phase. A dull, constant pain. Both dilation and constriction can cause headaches.

    Additionally, both conditions can result in excess blood fluids reaching the cerebral tissues. Both cases can lead to local oedema which then exerts a mechanical effect on nearby nerves. The affected oedematous tissue swells and contracts.

    Pressure Chamber

    The head is a “pressure chamber” and the amount of blood and interstitial fluid is disrupted. The result is pain. The brain’s oxygen supply is also impeded due to constriction of the blood vessels and the slow blood flow that comes with dilation. It is the cavernous sinus, the cavernous brain skin and the arteria basilaris which are highly sensitive to pain.

    Vasoconstriction is the increase in blood vessel pressure that causes blood to become more permeable. * Vasodilatation is when blood vessels release excess fluid to surrounding tissue because of the low velocity of blood flow. This is a parasympathetic response.


    Weekend Migraine occurs when the parasympathetic system is over-reacting to the lower sympathetic tone from work stress. This causes a dilation of cerebral blood vessels that can lead to a migraine attack. In such cases of migraine, sedative medications and meditation are contraindicated. This is because these practices will continue to increase parasympathetic tone.

    Because coffee stimulates the suprarenal cells, causing an adrenaline rush – blood vessels tends to contract. If the headache is occurring after radiotherapy, it could indicate anemia. This is due to the loss of bone marrow and a consequent decrease in cerebral oxygen supply. This can be accompanied by feeling tired, feeling down, inability to concentrate, and frequent sleep disturbances.

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    군발성 두통

    These are characterized by a dull, uncontrollable pain that travels upwards and laterally, usually to one eye. These attacks can last up to two hours and can occur up to six times per week. Men are the most affected and stress is a part of their daily lives that they cannot deny. The most common headache is tension headache. It is a dull, oppressive, and heavy headache that is not located in any particular area of the head.

    It usually occurs upon waking up and can last for several weeks. Tension headaches are also known as stress headaches. They can be caused by stress at work or in your spare time. Stress causes adrenaline to be depleted in the suprarenal glands. This causes blood vessels to become constricted, particularly in the cerebral region. An increase in adrenaline production can lead to an increase in glucose ration.


    Adrenaline is an antagonist of insuline. This leads to ischaemia, which is a lack of oxygen supply, and then the headache. Weather sensitivity headaches are usually caused by a weakening of blood vessels and a vegetative nervous system. The threshold of vegetative nervous system sensation is lowered when there are sudden changes in air pressure or air pressure fluctuations.

    Warm weather conditions can cause the blood to have higher levels of the parasympathetic neurotransmitter, serotonin. This chemical can cause headaches by dilation of the capillaries. Calcium antagonists are a temporary solution in these cases. Some people are more sensitive than others to electrical smog and air mass discharges.

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    Alternating hot and cold showers can help. Avoid foods containing histamine, tomatoamine (cheese and red wine, citrus fruits), and phenylethyldiamine. Plastic sports clothes like ski suits or track suits should be avoided as they can become extremely charged with static electricity. It can happen because there is not enough good flora in our intestines. It can also doa when it grows rhizoids (finger-like protrusions) that burrow into the intestinal walls. Most cells are very close together in most parts of the body.

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    The cells of the intestinal tract are further apart, which makes it easier for Candida, parasites and other harmful bacteria’s to infect. These conditions can cause damage to the intestinal wall, which can lead to the infecting of the bloodstream with bacteria, fecal matter, and decayed food.


    Toxicity and malabsorption can become a problem. We may experience symptoms such as brain fog, skin rashes and fatigue, chemical sensitivities, food allergies, and headaches. New Vista’s detox – addex to eliminate food intolerances. Organ support Liver liquescence. Tanacetum parthenium also known as Herbal Feverfew.

    Where can you find amino acids? 5-Hydroxytryptopha also indexed as: 5-HTP Supplemental 5HTP is naturally derived form the Griffonia simplicifolia seeds, a West African medicinal herb.

    Vitamin B2 also indexed as: Riboflavin Vitamin B2 is found in meat, eggs, dairy, and dairy products. Vitamin B2 can be found in leafy green vegetables, whole grains and so-called enriched grain.

    Vitamin D Where can it be found? Vitamin D is found in cod liver oil and vitamin D-fortified food. Egg yolks and butter contain vitamin D. Vitamin D is made in the body primarily through a chemical reaction that begins with sunlight exposure to skin.

    Magnesium: Where can it be found? Magnesium can be found in nuts and grains. Magnesium is also found in beans, dark green vegetables and meat. SAMe has anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and tissue-healing qualities that may help to protect the joints. SAMe has been shown to be effective in osteoarthritis patients. It increases the formation of healthy tissue14, reduces pain, stiffness and swelling better than placebos, and is comparable to drugs like naproxen and ibuprofen.

    What is Vitamin C (Ascorbate and Ascorbic Acid)? Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin which acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and protects LDL cholesterol from oxidative injury. It acts as a detox for chemical allergies and adrenal support.

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