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    Tag: Fertilità in calo

    How does Glikotril take care of your Health?

    Hypertension is one of the most common problems of recent times. Thanks also to the frenetic pace of life we have to adapt to. Our body is a really powerful machine, but constant stress and strain can undermine its functionality. A disordered lifestyle, poor diet and stress are the main factors that lead to pressure problems and hypertension. If we don't take care of ourselves,...

    Who Is Moring Slim Suitable For?

    Obesity and overweight are complex diseases that are affected by several factors. In addition to unfavorable genetic variants and epigenetic changes, environmental factors such as diet, exercise and stress can also play a role. However, there are many positive approaches that have helped many people lose weight. Obesity is one of the most important public health problems, due to the high economic, social, personal...

    In che modo la medicina cinese tratta l'infertilità?

    Il trattamento dell'infertilità diretto dalla medicina cinese e dall'agopuntura ci porta in molti gradi nel tentativo di produrre una gravidanza. L'anima, come la luna...