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    Vitamin Apa yang Terbaik Untuk Menopause?

    The natural changes in your body during menopause may lead to a number of troublesome symptoms that disrupt your daily life, or prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep.

    5 Best vitamins for Menopause

    Existing studies show that these five vitamins facilitate the body’s transition into menopause so you don’t need to undergo the excruciating symptoms.

    Co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

    It is a popular buzzword in nutrition nowadays, and for an excellent reason. This vitamin-like substance is required for cell energy generation; without it, you experience decreased energy levels, faster aging, and increased exposure to disease. Although the liver can produce enough CoQ10 for the body’s needs, its ability to make this chemical decreases steadily after age 20. Current research indicates that CoQ10 can boost energy levels, normalize blood pressure, and relieve headaches brought on by menopause. Some studies also indicate that CoQ10 decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease among menopausal women. CoQ10 can be obtained from broccoli, spinach, and peanuts, in addition to supplements from health food shops.

    Vitamin E

    Have you ever wondered why vitamin E has been lauded as one of the most important organic antioxidants? That’s because it consists of eight antioxidants working together to safeguard the human body. Doctors noted that eating foods rich in vitamin E can decrease the degree of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, the “bad” cholesterol that forms blood clots responsible for strokes and heart attacks. Some studies also indicate that the vitamin E alpha tocopherol can decrease hot flashes and restore vaginal inflammation. The recommended dose of vitamin E for menopause is 600-800 IU. Take with caution when you’ve got a history of hypertension. Stress is a constant element of contemporary living, especially if you’re the sort of girl who likes to carry on multiple challenges simultaneously. While your family and work life can be fulfilling, do try to have a rest every once in a while. A stressed-out body may result in adrenal fatigue, a condition where the adrenal glands produce elevated levels of cortisol. Although cortisol helps the body survive if released sometimes, too much of the stress hormone can interfere with your body’s hormone production, which will just cause your menopause symptoms worse.

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    Vitamin C

    On days in which you’ve got too many things on your plate, take vitamin C to fight adrenal fatigue. Vitamin C is well known for its immuno-protective properties, but it’s also the most essential nutrient for adrenal health. Not to mention that the more cortisol is produced, the more vitamin C is used. To restore adrenal health, take around 1,800 – 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C each day.

    Vitamin B

    Did you know that the B vitamins are crucial to a woman’s diet during menopause? Vitamin B6 can lower mood swings and depressive symptoms as it assists in the production of dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for mood and happiness. Vitamin B5 works well with vitamin E in reducing night sweats and sleeplessness. And vitamin B12 increases the body absorption of the mineral magnesium. Get your B vitamins from a high quality multivitamin formula.


    The connection between low levels of calcium and sleeplessness has been observed by physicians. Do you understand why a hot glass of milk before bedtime can help put you to sleep? Calcium induces relaxation, reduces tension, and activates the secretion of hormones. But all of the calcium in the world will not do you any good if you do not have enough magnesium in your system. Magnesium must pull calcium to the bones and to distribute them to portions of the nervous system. Without magnesium, calcium can’t be utilized as efficiently. According to the National Health and Nutrition Survey, nearly 60 percent of adults do not consume the recommended daily allowance of calcium in their diets. Magnesium deficiencies are known to cause anxiety, irritability, sleep disorders, and calcium depletion.

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    Gaya Hidup Sehat

    A healthy lifestyle with healthy meals and regular exercise can help alleviate these symptoms, but vitamins for menopause are only as crucial to finding relief.


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