
    Milyen önvédelmi termékek vannak?

    When you’re searching for information on self defense products you’re most likely to encounter some unfamiliar terms which are often utilised in the self defense products sector.

    Defense Spray

    Defense sprays are categorized as any sort of aerosol product chemically fabricated for the purpose of self defense. This may commonly include pepper spray CS or CN tear gas, or any mixture of these. Defense sprays can be found in many different models and strengths, including disguised sprays like the pepper pen.

    Bors spray

    an aerosol spray containing oils derived from cayenne pepper, irritating to the eyes and respiratory passages and utilized as a disabling weapon.

    Pepper Gel

    A newer kind of delivery system used in defense sprays. Primarily geared toward indoor usage. The chemical agent is suspended in a thick gluey solution that’s designed to adhere to the target. Reduces the potential for blow back or cross contamination.

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    Pepper Spray Foam

    It is like thick, sticky shaving cream with the addition of Oleoresin Capsicum (OC). Also gets rid of blow and cross contamination. Attempts to wipe away it will only cause the active ingredient to be further ground into the skin.

    Pepper Spray Fogger

    Deploys a super fine mist, like a fire extinguisher. Creates a bigger barrier which makes it effective for use against multiple attackers. Commonly used for crowd control.

    UV Dye

    It is invisible under normal conditions, however when ultra-violet light shines on it, the dye is clearly observable. This is often contained in containers of pepper spray which makes it feasible to identify the goal of pepper spray, even after the effects of pepper spray have worn off.

    OC Spray

    It is a lachrymatory or inflammatory chemical agent that irritates the eyes resulting in pain, tears, and temporary blindness. Commonly utilized in policing, riot control, crowd control, and private self-defense. It’s the most important ingredient in pepper spray.

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    Sokkoló pisztolyok

    These are electronic control devices used to immobilize an attacker without causing serious harm, typically by administering an electric shock. Most civilian use stun guns are rechargeable.

    Személyes riasztások

    A little hand held electronic device designed to emit a loud siren-like sound. Usually triggered either by a pressing a button or pulling a pin. Many also have a flashlight manner.


    A self-defense tool developed by Takayuki Kubota that resembles a miniature baton. It may be used for stress point compliance, as a striking tool or flailing tool. It’s normally designed as a key chain.

    Expandable Batons

    A solid steel rod, expandable batons usually measure from 16 to 30 inches when open. The inside spring keeps them locked while enlarged. They measure approximately 10 inches when closed.

    Key Chain Self Defense

    Any product kept on a chain that’s used in self defense. Can consist of tough molded plastic items. Designed to fit securely in hand, this product is far more powerful than simply keeping your keys between your knuckles.

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    Most aren’t considered’weapons’ which makes it feasible to maintain a self defense product even in places where other kinds are restricted. Non or Less Than Lethal: any merchandise designed to startle or temporarily disable an opponent. Except in rare cases won’t maim or cause permanent or life threatening harm. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us. We would be delighted to assist you pick the best product to meet your lifestyle and personal defense requirements.



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