
    Hogyan ismerjük fel a menopauzát?

    The true menopause is defined as your last period and occurs at a mean age of 52. However, from the early- to mid- forties, changing and changing hormone production causes subtle physical changes. These may go awry and not everybody has a issue, but for others they slowly worsen until realization finally hits home and help is sought.


    Some of symptoms are due to the drop in estrogen but a lot of factors such as diet, lifestyle and exercise, medications and attitudes may influence the incidence, severity and impact of symptoms. Hot flashes – Classic menopause symptom. For many women, they do not cause much distress, but one in five suffers so badly that disturbs interfere with sleep, work and quality of life.

    Sufferers can experience total body warmth, may drip in perspiration and wake up several times each night drenched in sweat. Falling estrogen levels are considered to influence the body’s temperature control center but the exact underlying mechanism is unclear. Headaches – Palpitations and nausea are also common.


    Insomnia has also been proven to be menopausal symptom, no matter temperature changes, and might begin a couple of years before the menopause.


    Another by-product of the menopause because it is thought that the pace at which you burn calories (your metabolic rate ) reduces.

    Breast tenderness

    Although estrogen levels overall are decreasing, a rollercoaster of hormonal ups and downs means estrogen levels may also summit, casing breast tenderness, in addition to dip.

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    Period problems

    Most women experience changes with heaviness, irregular, less frequent or more frequent intervals. This shifting pattern can differ over years until they stop altogether.

    Heavy bleeding with flood

    It is one potential effect of hormonal upheavals an can be alarming and inconvenient. Symptoms will need to be investigated to rule out other causes but there are many different effective treatments available.

    Psychological symptoms

    Mood swings, irritability, nervousness, forgetfulness and foggy brain. However, other pressures like elderly relatives, teenage children, an empty nest and work may also lead to these “symptoms””.

    The mood changes particularly are often painful, with many girls being concerned about the impact on their loved ones. Some of them agree on a code to get their husbands,””Don’t worry, it is only a hormone dip.”” It works wonders! How long the symptoms last? The average time that the early signs of estrogen deficiency lasts is about two decades, but some girls have none whatsoever and many others continue having symptoms for 20 years or longer.

    What tests should I have?

    The best identification is by the history of your interval routine and symptoms. For those who have a Mirena coil fitted, then you may not know whether you’re becoming menopausal as you will not have any period blueprint to follow. Go by symptoms such as flushes and perhaps by analyzing response to a trial of therapy such as HRT. Have general health tests like blood pressure and cholesterol level.

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    Természetes módszerek

    Eat healthily, do not smoke, reduce caffeine and alcohol consumption, and exercise. Wear loose, thin layers of cotton clothes that are easy to peel off, and keep your bedroom cool at night by leaving a window open or investing in a buff. Will alternative remedies help? Red clover, black cohosh, the pollen extract Female and even acupuncture have been proven to be useful, and evening primrose oil and sunflower oil can decrease breast tenderness.



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