
    Mik a fejfájás okai?

    Az orvosok jobban tudják kezelni a fejfájást, ha ismerik az okokat. A legújabb tanulmányok szerint a fejfájás kémiai természetű, valamint érzelmi és strukturális problémákra vezethető vissza. A fejfájás leggyakoribb oka a fogproblémák. Kimutatták, hogy ha a páciens alsó állkapcsa nem tud megfelelően találkozni a felső állkapoccsal, az...


    This is due to muscle tension. Similar to bruxism, a person who grinds or clenches their teeth at night, also known as “bruxism”, is more likely to experience headaches. This is because they are causing muscle tension and bone stimulation.

    Chemical sensitivity is another possible cause of headaches. People will notice that certain chemicals found in various gadgets, including computers, can trigger headaches and even migraine attacks.

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    You can also get headaches from caffeine found in drinks like tea, coffee, and even chocolates. Magnesium deficiency can also cause headaches. This is more common than people who have enough magnesium. To ensure you have enough magnesium in the body, it is important to drink lots of coffee, eat lots of sugar, and have a high level of sodium.

      Mi is valójában a migrén?

    Other causes of headaches include infections and bacterial diseases. It is well-known that headaches are more common if your nose, throat, or even the ears are infected. Other causes of headaches include muscle tension, anxiety, and stress.



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