
    Can Coconut Oil Boost Your Immune System?

    You might have noticed a short while ago a specific product was reported to be unhealthy for people, and then a couple of years after new study demonstrates that in fact the product provides health benefits. Chocolate was’bad’ for you and today it’s a fantastic source of antioxidants, provided that you avoid products high in sugar.

    Let’s see…

    Sometimes, the change in posture reflects actual scientific discovery, and at times it’s just the result of misunderstanding or miscommunication. Over the past decade or two, not too many goods have undergone the amount of change in public service that coconut oil has. Coconut oil was recorded as a dangerous high saturated fat in a time once the food industry was trying to convince the world that margarine was a much healthier alternative to butter.

    To be clear, the oil in the coconut that’s partially hydrogenated may contain high levels of trans fats that are known to be detrimental to human health. Similarly, highly refined oil might be created due to potentially harmful chemical applications to extract the oil from the coconut flesh. The magic, however, lies in the unrefined or virgin coconut oil that is extracted through cold press or other methods without using chemicals or high temperatures that damage the oils.

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    Did you know?

    Virgin coconut oil has high levels of medium chain triglycerides (MCT) rather than long chain fatty acids common in other plant oils. MCTs aren’t readily absorbed and stored as fat on our bodies. Medium chain fatty acids differ from long chain fatty acids in one crucial area; they don’t contribute to elevated cholesterol levels or cardiovascular disease. In actuality, MCTs may help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis. Most long-chain fatty acids, for instance, soy-based oil that’s popular in many processed foods, contribute to lowering good cholesterol (HDL) and increasing bad cholesterol (LDL).

    The inability of our bodies to absorb MCTs makes the oil a fantastic choice for supporting weight loss and enhancing body mass by losing more fat compared to muscle tissue. MCTs also help improve glucose tolerance, which helps to balance insulin activity and reduces the chance of type II diabetes. Coconut oil also tends to provide a slightly lower amount of calories per ounce than most other oils. Virgin oil is full of polyphenol and tocopherol antioxidants, which have been shown to reduce oxidative stress in body tissue in lab animals.

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    When searching for coconut oil, search for unrefined or extra virgin oils. Avoid partially hydrogenated oils for cooking and ensure to look closely at the labels of packaged foods for products containing these oils that are harmful. The oil can be a terrific substitute for butter or other oils used in cooking. The taste of some foods will be enhanced with the sweet taste of coconut and might take a little getting used to. Stews, curries, salads and baked biscuits will all benefit from the inclusion of the oil. Have fun with it as you discover the magic in the coconut.



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