
    How To Protect Yourself Against Rape?

    Of all of the things that girls have to protect themselves against, rape appears to top the list for virtually every woman. Rape isn’t only a physical attack, but not simply a sex crime because most people today seem to believe, but is a heinous act of violence which often leaves emotional scars which are extremely tricky to eliminate.

    Good to know

    Most victims of rape find it hard to have normal sexual relationships with other people, and frequently find themselves not able to trust people. According to statistics, a rape occurs every 2 minutes in america. A staggering 33% of women are most likely to be raped at least once in their lives, and what’s the strangest part is that in excess of 80% of those rapes will be committed by someone the girl understood.

    Thus, in such a gloomy scenario so far as sexual assault and rape is concerned, every woman should understand how to protect herself against this heinous crime. Here are some precautions which you can take to make certain that you don’t turn into another rape statistic.

    Be Armed

    By being armed forces we don’t imply take a gun or a pistol on you, but rather other security devices and products that can be as powerful as a gun but less deadly. Mace cans, pepper spray, or maybe a tiny folding knife can be particularly powerful to deter a potential rapist. These security products are much easier to secure than a weapon and may be equally handy. In situations where you’re under the threat of rape, you may end up in shock or without appropriate hand eye coordination. In such scenarios, a can of pepper or mace may actually be more useful than a normal gun. Besides being very successful, safety products are very cheap too. They’re made in a manner (you can also get lipstick pepper sprays which seem like a lipstick!) In order to fit even the smallest of purses, so you could always have something useful with which to protect yourself. Besides a terrific choice of security devices, the costs on this website are also unbeatable.

      Women's Self-Defense?

    Be Cautious when Outdoors

    When you’re away from home, it’s essential to know about what’s happening around you and be attentive. Rapists generally tend to strike women who seem to be walking along aimlessly or who don’t seem very active. Thus, by being convinced and walking erect and intentionally, you can dissuade a rapist. If you’re walking on the roads, be certain to steer clear of narrow alleys or shadowy streets. Never ever have a shortcut through a rough neighborhood or via abandoned paths and always remain on the main road. Don’t walk after dark. Take a taxi home or ask a friend to pick you up. If you have to walk, ensure you walk quickly and have a route that’s not deserted. Keeping your can of mace or pepper spray in your hand is also a fantastic idea. Don’t get into an elevator with someone you don’t know. Should you find yourself alone with the stranger, remain close to the exit doors of the elevator and within reach of the control panel. Always know exactly where you’re. In the event you do find yourself in trouble and need to call somebody for help, you will need to know your exact location. A 911 dispatcher will even ask you your place first, so know which region and road you’re on. A high number of girls get attacked when getting in their cars. Thus, approach your vehicle with your key already in your hand so you don’t waste time searching for the key. Get into your car once you open it and push away.

    Safety at Home

    How many girls who get raped in their homes is shocking! The area outside your primary entrance ought to be lit properly so there are no dark shadows where a possible rapist can hide. Ensure that your main door has a peephole in order to know who you’re opening your door to. If a stranger is at your door, ask why they are there and open the door only if you’re completely happy with their answer. Keep your curtains drawn as far as possible so that individuals can’t look into your house, especially after nightfall. If you’re not anticipating any deliveries or some other utility service people, don’t open the door to these men and women. If you have to, be sure that the security chain is set up. Always keep your doors locked. Even if you reside in a very safe neighborhood, you shouldn’t leave your gates unlocked for a couple of minutes. Many women make the mistake of believing that a rapist would not dare to enter their home because their place is so well guarded. That could prove to be a costly error. Thus, keep your windows and doors bolted.

      What Should You Do To Protect Yourself?

    At a Party

    There’s an alarming rise in the amount of date rapes and sexual assaults at social gatherings. To protect yourself when on a date, ensure that you don’t accept drinks from anyone you do not know. Even should you know the individual, it’s ideal to receive your own drink or possess the bartender or waiter serve you straight. For those who have left your drink unattended for even half a minute, don’t take a sip from that drink again. Date rape drugs can be mixed into drinks in the blink of an eye and make you the target for rape. Thus, by being attentive to what is happening around you and being extremely cautious about what you eat and drink, you can avoid becoming a victim of date rape. Despite the fact that these safety tips may not entirely protect you against rape, at least you may have minimized your odds of being a rape victim considerably.


    Taking some physical defense courses and always carrying safety items like pepper foam, knives, mace cans etc would be the best way to protect yourself from rape. After all, you must take things into your own hands. If you wait around for someone to assist you, it might prove to be too late!

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