
    How To Prevent Weight Gain After Menopause?

    Think of those times when your vital statistics will be as great as a bikini model at the front page of a women’s or men’s magazine. It might seem like ages ago particularly once you’ve reached the menopause phase. By then, bulges would be evident in the stomach region and continue to rise in volume at about a pound annually.

    Keep in mind

    This might sound undesirable but it’s a reality that each woman should face. Why is it so tough to keep one’s body weight after menopause? Some people would suspect a change in the hormonal levels for the gain in body mass. But furthermore evident is that the alteration in the mature individual’s lifestyle. Gone are the days when a woman is so full of energy to actively participate in a variety of activities including exercise. The energy though appears to have relocated from the eating habit, since the use of food becomes an amusing pastime.

    Moreover, as one ages diminished calories get burned since the body promotes the substitution of muscle . Subsequently, fat burns lesser calories than muscle does and much more fat reduces the body’s metabolic rate. If all this does not seem applicable, then the gain in weight could be attributed to genetic factors when relatives and family members show the same trend. Some folks find it comfortable to have a little flab but becoming too obese has serious consequences.

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    It’s commonplace to listen to family, friends, or coworkers who suffer from hypertension, osteoporosis and heart disease simply due to their heaviness. What’s worse is that it might result to a heart attack or stroke and result in death. Additionally, the danger of high cholesterol and Type 2 diabetes accelerates with the gain in weight. Unfortunately, for women who gain too much twenty pounds following menopause, the probability of breast cancer is similarly imminent.

    What is happening?

    So what’s a mature woman to do to reverse the weight increase happening? If less action and more food intake would mean getting fat, then the sure way to turn it around would be to do the exact opposite. This translates to becoming a fitness program that will help transform those fats. Aerobic exercises and weight trainings are enjoyable but effective way of losing weight.

    Meanwhile, if exercise is too strenuous, then one can perform any physical action that will get her to move to the groove, biking, dancing, or just simply walking. On the other hand, an individual may still enjoy delicious snacks and meals provided that the calories and the selection of meals are being carefully monitored. Moderation is always to the best of the individual’s interest. In the long run, prevention is always the very best and cheapest medicine.

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    Final word

    Consequently, one does not need to wait for menopause to cram on weight loss plans. While still young, an individual should concentrate on maintaining the perfect weight by eating the right kind of food which promotes proper nutrition. The trick to good health throughout life is patience and discipline. Thus, menopause or not, keep that healthy body and weight with the perfect attitude.



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