
    How to combat Stress Headaches?

    Tension headaches or stress headaches affect almost everyone from time to time. They are not usually a sign of something serious and can usually be treated with mild pain relief. Stress headaches can cause mild to moderate pain in the head. They are often described as a tight rubber band around your head. Although there are many possible causes of stress headaches, the majority of the time the cause is unknown.

    Tension Headaches

    Tension headaches can be easily treated with pain relievers and a healthy lifestyle. Some headaches can be quite severe but disappear quickly. Tension headaches can sometimes last up to a week and come in waves. People often feel headaches in waves. They may feel discomfort, then relief over a time. This is known as episodic tension headaches.

    The headache treatment chosen is often temporary and does not address the root cause of the headaches. This can prolong the discomfort. Although some headache relief medications contain caffeine, they can only provide temporary relief and may not stop the headache cycle. It can be frustrating to not know the cause of your headache.


    It can be frustrating to not know what is triggering your headaches. This could be as simple as food choices or disruptions in sleep patterns. Some women are sensitive to high levels estrogen. This may need to be corrected to stop the headache cycle. Researchers are trying to find out if tension headaches are caused by chemical imbalances in your brain.

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    Certain brain chemicals, such as serotonin or endorphins, help nerves communicate with the body and the brain. Mild pain can result from disruptions in the normal flow these chemicals in your brain. Changes in the chemical balance can also cause muscle tension, which can lead to headaches.


    Researchers are still trying find out why the chemical balance is disrupted. However, doctors also know that some personal factors can lead to a chemical imbalance. This makes it important to avoid triggers and prevent headache relief. Treatments for mild to moderate tension headaches are often inexpensive and highly effective.

    Tension headaches can be relieved with many over-the-counter medications available at your local pharmacy or supermarket.


    Tension headaches lasting more than 15 days per month may indicate a bigger problem that needs to be addressed by a doctor. Lifestyle changes, in addition to medicine, can help you manage your headaches. Your chances of suffering from tension headaches can be reduced by exercising and living a healthy lifestyle.

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    A good diet and adequate rest can help reduce your risk of getting headaches. Stress is often linked to muscle tension, which can lead to headache development. A stress headache can be avoided by relaxing the muscles and maintaining a good posture. You may experience fewer stress headaches if you are active and live a healthy lifestyle.



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