
    Χρειάζεστε στατιστικά στοιχεία για την εμμηνόπαυση;

    Women experiencing menopause around the globe are facing a very challenging part of the life – change. These are changes which make girls like you feel incapable, frustrated and angry. What do menopause statistics state? State that menopause frequently happens between the ages of 40 to 58 years.

    Καλό είναι να γνωρίζετε

    During this period, the transition from being fertile to non-fertile can take about 4 decades. Around 10 percent of menopausal women won’t experience changes in their menstrual flow, which is generally expected in this phase. There are lots of menopause questions like health dangers that worry many girls at this stage of life. Lifestyle factors contribute to this statistic also. Women who smoke are likely to experience menopause 1.5 years sooner than people who don’t.

    This also correlate with the amount of cigarettes smoked and age at which they began smoking. If you don’t wish to experience menopause before, perhaps you should kick the habit quickly! There are approximately 45 million Americans going through menopause at any particular time, and 5% of them are approximately forty-five to fifty years of age. These are the ones that have menopause naturally.

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    Undernourished women have a propensity to begin menopause four years sooner than healthy women. Women are able to benefit from the several menopause solutions out there. One common treatment is hormonal treatment, which uses estrogen alone or a combination of progestin and estrogen (to decrease the odds of getting esophageal cancer), to fight the symptoms of menopause. Although it helps alleviate heart disorders by around 50 percent, it raises the chance of getting breast and colorectal cancer. It’s always suggested to have periodical medical check-ups with your medical care provider.

    Culturally speaking

    Approaches to the menopausal issue are distinct. In United States, this is a topic that’s usually avoided. Women going through this stage are often ridiculed, and some healthcare professionals believe the condition as non-medical. In Australia, menopause is regarded as a medical issue. Care is delivered holistically – that is, it might encompass the woman’s psychological and physical wellbeing. Menopause statistics can fluctuate in every culture. Women of different cultures will sense menopause differently also.

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    For instance, hot flashes are more often experienced by Westerners while Japanese women do not experience this at all. However, most women around the world fear the consequences of menopause, such as loss of sexual drive and exaggerated mood swings (which may also drag your down social life ). The positive perception and acceptance of this condition of physical being should help you understand your condition and get the most from it.



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