
    Υπάρχουν ασφαλείς θεραπείες για τις εμμηνοπαυσιακές εξάψεις;

    Are You Looking For Remedies For Menopausal Hot Flashes? Are you sick of the hot flashes, irritability and headaches related to Menopause and Peri-Menopause? Cheer up -I’ve natural remedies! During Peri-Menopause and Menopause, 3 out of every four girls have extreme hot flashes. If you’re among these 3 and want relief, there are some things you can do.

    Τι να κάνω;

    Firstly, you need to check with your Dr. to be sure that you’re getting enough Vitamin E and the B complex. Exercise may also help and my favourite combines a Pilates abdominal workout with an acupressure point that’s proven to reduce hot flashes, alleviate shoulder and neck strain and reduce headaches. I suggest doing this exercise twice daily for best results.

    This acupressure point (known as GB 20) is in the bottom of your skull at the back, about an inch away from centre on each side. There’s a hollow there that you can feel with your fingers. Find the hollow and then press and up under the base of the skull. You may press with your fingers or thumbs, whichever you’re more comfortable doing. The exercise that we are going to unite with this acupressure point is a Pilates bicycle that helps us build lean muscle and lean muscle burns more fat – what a bonus!

      Υπάρχουν μύθοι σχετικά με την εμμηνόπαυση και την αύξηση του βάρους;

    Κάνε αυτό!

    Begin lying on your back on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat, about hip distance apart. Then, lift your upper body off the ground slightly with your abdominal muscles and break your head in your hands so you can press on fingers or pliers to the acupressure points. Prior to starting, be sure that there isn’t any tension on your shoulders and neck and your mind is resting in your hands. Then, inhale as you slowly twist at the waist to one side, then touching your right elbow to the left knee and extend the left leg and then exhale slowly as you twist to touch the left elbow to the right knee.

    The thighs are bicycling, and you’re twisting at the waist. Do not bring up the head and down from the ground every time as this puts a strain on your neck. Use your abs to maintain your upper body up and twist at your waist. Complete ten breaths and spins to every side in the first place, gradually working your way up to twenty minutes on each side.

      Γιατί παίρνετε βάρος κατά τη διάρκεια της εμμηνόπαυσης;


    These require very little time and can be done while you are catching up with the weather before you begin your day and while watching TV at night. Do them faithfully and you will alleviate your Menopausal hot flashes, reduce headaches and irritability and shoulder and neck strain – all while getting in some great exercise. Now that is what I call multi-tasking!



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