
    Ποια συμπτώματα εμμηνόπαυσης πρέπει να κατανοήσω;

    Women can experience plenty of different menopause symptoms when they enter the menstrual period. Some of those things can truly be distressing. They can occur gradually or they could take you by surprise by happening all of a sudden. In this report, I will talk about some of the most common symptoms that might be experiencing right now if you are already menopausal.


    The initial symptoms that we are going to discuss are light headedness, dizziness, and loss of equilibrium. Dizziness is described as a transient spinning sensation or a feeling of lightheadedness. This may also be described as one’s inability to keep decent balance when standing up or walking. Dizziness is a symptom of lots of medical conditions.

    There are certain things people can do to deal with dizziness. If you feel that your dizziness isn’t associated with menopause, you should see your doctor so you can determine whether it’s a symptom of a serious illness.

    Αύξηση βάρους

    It is another frequent phenomenon during menopause. This happens due to hormonal changes. Some studies say that weight gain occurs because girls are elderly and their metabolism is slowing down. However, some studies claim that changing hormonal levels are directly correlated to weight gain during menopause and redistribution of fat. By making substantial changes in your diet and performing exercise on a regular basis, you can boost your body’s metabolic rate.

      Πώς να παραμείνετε υγιείς μετά την εμμηνόπαυση;

    Taking natural supplements may also help. Incontinence that occurs during childbirth and sneezing or urge incontinence is also a frequent symptom that a good deal of women experience during the menopausal stage.


    Incontinence is divided into three categories. The first one is stress incontinence, which can be called accidental urination when a person coughs, sneezes, or exerts.

    The next one is urge incontinence, which can be a symptom that is described to occur when the bladder gets a “mind of its own”, which causes it to contract and vacant unpredictably even when a person exert conscious attempts to stop the passage of urine.

    Last is overflow incontinence, which can be called the complete loss of feeling that you will need to urinate. If you are urinating when you should not, you should seek medical care as you can’t feel that your bladder is currently complete. Sudden bouts of bloat may also occur during the menstrual period. These are described as sudden feelings of becoming bloated bloated which come from nowhere. You may notice that these to be periodic and may increase fluid retention in addition to abdominal distention.

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    Τελική συμβουλή

    Last in line are raising allergies. A good deal of allergies have their foundation on hormone reactions. This is particularly true for women who undergo increasing symptoms as they undergo hormonal changes.



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