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    Perimenopause Belly Fat – Why is This Happening? Have you begun to detect perimenopause belly fat? If so, you aren’t alone. Many women will start to experience an increase in belly fat as they become older. This might be heredity or age related, but is most likely because of the hormonal changes that all of us encounter before, during and after menopause.


    Even if you have not experienced excess weight around your waist before, perimenopause belly fat could be among the first signs that you’re approaching menopause. Unfortunately excess fat on your abdominal area vs different parts of the body, is particularly unhealthy also puts you at higher risk of a variety of other conditions. Increased tummy fat not only raises your risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, it may also make you more prone to some cancers.

    But its not all doom and gloom, thankfully you can do something to overcome that perimenopause belly fat with only a couple changes to your lifestyle. So Why Are You Getting Perimenopause Belly Fat? Unfortunately there are two things working against you when you approach menopause, first your age and second your hormones.

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    As you begin to age and reduce your physical activity, it’s common to see a slowing in the metabolism and with this comes an increase in body fat. Unfortunately the growth is usually greater for girls than it is for men, and as our general weight increases so too does the fat around our waist. Then comes the menopausal hormonal changes and with our fat distribution begins to shift.

    Nobody really understands why, nevertheless there’s a clear change of weight from your thighs, hips and arms to your stomach. Perimenopause belly fat seems and pear shaped women suddenly become apples. What Can You Do About It? With a healthy mix of the correct foods and the ideal exercise you can do something to eliminate perimenopause belly fat.

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    I’m not talking about crash diets, starvation diets and endless hours in the gym. Did you know that there are actually foods which allow you to burn fat?

    • Green Tea – Probably the most commonly known “fat burner”, the compound EGCG in green tea acts as a stimulant to boost your metabolism without increasing your heart beat to amounts that would lead to stress on the body.
    • Beans – Two properties make these fantastic fat burners – high protein and fiber. High fiber makes them more difficult to digest, makes your digestive system work hard, keeps you feeling full for longer and sustains your glucose levels to aid with cravings and spikes. Protein aids in building your body’s best fat burner, lean muscle.
    • Skim Milk – Studies have shown that calcium is quite effective at boosting metabolism. For the best results stick to the low fat varieties of your favorite dairy foods. Calcium can also be present in several of green vegetables.
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    Then of course the dreaded word – exercise. Sorry to say women but you do need a little bit of exercise to help boost your metabolism and turn some of the perimenopause fat into lean muscle. No you do not need full on weight training but you do have to get off the couch and do a small mixture of cardio and strength exercises.

    • Cardio – a brisk walk around the block, take the dog for a walk, try dancing or exercise classes, swimming or playing the kids/grandkids from the park.
    • Strength – crunches, leg lifts, sit-ups – boring I know but try variations of them. Add some immunity in the kind of a fitness ball, attempting to balance this at exactly the exact same time will make you concentrate on your abdominal muscles before realising you are doing it.
    • Yoga – but in case you really despise sit-ups and crunches try yoga. Not only will it help to strengthen your heart and abdominal muscles additionally, it will minimise stress that’s a real killer when it comes to putting on weight.
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    So ladies, do not just sit around waiting to find that bulging perimenopause belly fat. You don’t need to resign yourself to it, you can beat it. She spends her time helping others to understand and find answers to menopausal weight issues.



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