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    Women have always been successful leaders in the field of education and cultural activities for ever. They’ve established their might in the area of producing academic, literary, non-fictional and cultural pursuits. Although not much literature is available on the accomplishments of women in these areas, there are a number of positive endeavourers being made to admit the importance of women in current developments.


    Their contribution to the literature, as authors, is evident though. Women are involved in creative writing from quite old time in reality. They’ve been contributed to the journals, newspapers, and magazines of repute. The difference is that they used to release their works concealed beneath the garb of male names. History has it that Egyptian women used to compose in guys journals from the 1880s, and by 1890 there were many young girls from Arabian middle class that were publishing their own journals and news papers.

    They mostly hailed from Egypt, Lebanon and Syria. The first journal was published in 1892 by Hind Nawfal. It was in 1914, when another popular magazine’Fatat Lubnan’, which translates as’woman of Lebanan’ premiered by Salima Abu Rashid. This was an effort to boost morale of Arabian young girls and was valued very much for the objective. Salima was dedicated to market womanhood, and oppose corruption and withstand oppression throughout the period. Another crusader from the list is Ajamy who pioneered an effort to literate Arabian girls in the kind of a Women’s Literacy Club in the same year, i.e. 1914. Julia Dimashqiya also joined the rally in 1921 by starting an exclusive girls magazine in the title of al-Mar’a al-Jadida which means New Women.

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    The magazine was initially launched in Beirut, and was solely dedicated to advocate the Arabian girls to come ahead and get involved in the social development for their own improvement. Another magazine specifically Al-Fajr was launched in exactly the exact same year by another girls activist Najla Abu al-Lam’. Najla concentrated her efforts to bring new study studies and works in the understanding of Arabian girls and invite them to make action. Al-Fajr means’Dawn’ this magazine was intended to bring. Nur al-Fayha, which means Light of Damascus, premiered by Nazik Abid with the intention to highlight the discrimination as a root cause of domestic issues in the area.

    The motto was to promote equality and promote the women. There were more and lots of similar developmental moves initiated by the women in Arab society and which played an essential part in bringing the morale of the girls up. Recently there have been established some sites, akin to digital versions of yesterday’s magazines, which are taking the identical crusade ahead with more interactive way.

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    These sites are sharing the info about global position of the girls and supplying Arab women a platform to represent themselves internationally through online media. These sites are offering free memberships to the girls and offering them a means to talk about their views with the world. These sites too are encouraging girls to be aware of their rights and get them.



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