
    Πώς να σχεδιάσετε την ασφάλειά σας στην πανεπιστημιούπολη;

    This summer, my son, Luke, and I went to visit a member of the church youth group that graduated this year. She’s headed off to school and my son wanted to give her a present. Together we decided that the best thing to give her could be the gift of security. I am positive that choosing a school that required her to reside on campus, away from the safety net her home and family supplied was a significant decision for all involved.

    Campus safety

    Along with the academic, fiscal, and geographical factors, campus safety and security are an essential concern. By all reasonable measures, it’s the responsibility of schools and universities to supply a safe environment for their students, faculty, staff, and visitors to their own campuses.

    Campus security departments are frequently established and campus administrators regularly examine their policies and processes to find ways to stop acts of crime and violence from happening on their campus. However, even on the safest campuses, it is very important that every student take responsibility for providing their personal safety. This may be accomplished by means of non lethal self defense products.

      Ποια είναι τα διάφορα συμπτώματα της εμμηνόπαυσης;

    Σπρέι πιπεριού

    The hottest self defense product. It’s time tested, simple to use and inexpensive. Dual Function Door Brace – If you’re in a dorm room or living off campus, you can fasten your door with a few of them.

    Προσωπικός συναγερμός

    Even campuses which limit or discourage using any other sort of self defense product like pepper spray or stun guns allow them. The best ones can reach up to 130 decibels.

    Heart Attack Key Chain Defense

    Following the advice of placing your keys between your knuckles, this thing takes it into a more successful level.

    Motion Detector Alarm

    Easy to use and portable. Will alert you to some intrusion into your space.

    Hidden Camera / Nanny Cam

    Not for spying on your roommates! Keep an eye on what is happening in your space when you are not there.

    Diversion Safe

    Hide your money and valuables in plain sight.


    Stun guns are also very powerful, but a lot of colleges have restrictive policies about the possession of them, so be certain to check with your regional regulations. Luke found out that his friend already possessed a pink pepper spray, so we decided to offer her a personal alarm and a keychain self defense.

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