
    Πώς να καλλιεργήσετε την αληθινή ασφάλεια;

    Over a year ago I met a girl who desired to leave her job, and start her own company. She had a college degree, years of experience in her area and remarkable desire. Her problem was she did not believe she could have what she wanted.

    Ας το κατανοήσουμε

    As she explained her life to me, I discovered quite a few reasons why “people like her” (her distinctions werefemale, over 40, inexperienced & not a leader) never step out of where they”are” because there was no safety in it. Meanwhile, she worked a 70-hour workweek, was in a relationship which was unfulfilling, didn’t have children (desired them, but never got to it) and was beginning to feel physically unhealthy.

    Her salary was excellent, so she was “secure” – but her life was organized around what she believed other’s wanted, or because she believed it would be “secure”. Consequently, she was not living life on her terms or doing what she really wanted to do. She was not happy and felt helpless to change anything. She sought me out because she believed she could have a richer life, but found that she wanted some help.

    Έχετε κατά νου

    This girl was trapped between her beliefs about herself and the world, (that were restricting) and her overwhelming desire for something more. No matter how she tried to muster up the courage and determination to strike out on her own, she found herself fearful or ineffective in all her attempts to get more from her life. Over several months she began to apply some new thoughts to her life – the 4 Amazon Principles specifically.

      Μπορεί να προληφθεί η αύξηση βάρους στην εμμηνόπαυση;

    Within weeks of working together, she had been seeing big changes. Believe it or not, the majority of her changes weren’t actions she took but changes in her thinking. Not only did her encounter become more satisfying in her current job, her relationships got richer and her desires became more distinct. Within a year, she’d begun to do some free-lance work and was pursuing other interests.

    When she decided she was ready to leave her normal occupation, her company was so appreciative of her that they sent her off with positive fantasies and some free lance work. Fundamentally, she manifested an fantastic start to her own firm! This story expresses the value of making decisions, and learning how to realize that we’re free to do that.


    The choices we make in addition to the conversations we have (with others and within our heads) actually create our expertise. If you make your decisions based on anything other than what’s closest to your heart, you are in for a marginal life. Cultivating true security does not occur outside of you, it is an inside job. Learning HOW to do this may be hard, but it can be achieved. The courageous woman mentioned here in this guide is one of many men and women that are benefiting from external support.

      Γιατί να τρώτε τρόφιμα που περιέχουν οιστρογόνα;

    She has days where “security” feels illusive to her, but more often than not she’s discovered how to change her experience and lives a richer life than she ever has. By committing to learning and coaching how to working from inside herself, she’s moved forward with purpose and dignity – and a tremendous amount of success. You would not expect yourself to find a new fancy computer software and master it with no advice, right? Apply the same consciousness to your life. You are not”supposed” to have it all figured out, and studying new methods will supply a security that’s deep, private and self-sustaining.


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