
    Πώς να θεραπεύσει την ουρική αρθρίτιδα στο σπίτι;

    Gout is caused by excessive uric acid levels in the body. Gout occurs when the body’s level of uric acid rises. Instead of being eliminated by our kidneys, it becomes a problem in our joints. Gout can cause inflammation and swelling of the feet, knees, wrists, elbows and hands. Sometimes, this can be seen in the kidneys, below the skin, and in your urinary track. Gout symptoms include pain and inflammation of the joints. Read more: Συμπτώματα ουρικής αρθρίτιδας.

    Ανακούφιση συμπτωμάτων

    These symptoms are only visible at night. Gout can be treated with home remedies. You can feel great relief from the pain: Ανακούφιση από την ουρική αρθρίτιδα.

    • Make a mixture of 150 ml water and half a lemon juice. This remedy should be taken three times daily. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and has the amazing ability to dissolve acid uric deposits.
    • You can reduce the severity of gout attacks by drinking 2 liters of water per day.
    • Gout can be treated with French beans. You can squeeze the French beans to get about 25-30ml of juice. Drink it twice daily. This remedy can reduce inflammation and effectively treat gout.
    • Make a powder from mustard by grinding it. This can be mixed with water and wheat powder to make a paste that can easily be applied to the affected areas.
    • Before going to bed, mix 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons honey. This mixture should be taken every night for approximately 4-5 months.
    • For 10-15 minutes, dip your feet in warm water containing 2 cups Epsom salt. Do this every night before you go to bed.
    • Use castor oil to warm a flannel towel and then dip it in it. Wrap the cloth around your affected area and place heating pads on top. This will relieve the pain.
    • Applying ice cubes to the affected area will provide temporary relief.
    • Combine a cup water and a cup vinegar. Add a teaspoon of pepper. Use this solution to soak a piece cotton cloth and apply it to the affected areas.
    • Bananas are rich in phosphorus and other minerals, making them a great remedy to gout. It will help prevent gout attacks and eliminate uric deposits. Gout sufferers should consume 4-5 bananas per day.
    • Vitamin C is abundant in citrus fruits, tomatoes, green peppers, leafy green veggies, and leafy green vegetables. Gout can also be treated with apples, cherries, and strawberries.
    • Gout treatment has been made easier by a few herbal remedies. White willow bark, Devil’s claw root, flower tops and gingerroot are all very effective anti-inflammatory substances that provide great relief. Gout can also be treated with frankincense and feverfew, as well as licorice, curcuma and capsicum.
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    ==> Gout Frankincense

    The Gout Sufferers’ Community on Telegram: Ουρική αρθρίτιδα Αρχική θεραπεία.


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