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    Feminine psychology is the psychology of the female of the human species and it has the study of the sex associated “female individuality” and the emotional interpretations of the issues that females face during their lifetime. Gender studies help us to understand and make a distinction of their natural biological sex differences and gender differences which were created based on the sex roles established by the society from time to time.

    Gender studies

    Further gender studies also help us to understand the gender bias that exists in the society. Feminine psychology can also be involved in highlighting the gender bias that originated in traditional psychological theories and provides alternative theories to counter those biases and disperse new thinking. Work associated with hysteria and neurosis is especially significant in this regard. There was a time when it was a widely accepted belief that women were actually “imperfect men” and their imperfectness arouse in their sexual inadequacies.

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    It was believed that girls wanted to do everything like guys due to this sexual inadequacy that could be explicitly said as the envy of not getting the”manhood”. The irony of the whole thing is that this thinking came from one of those brilliant minds of the 19th century i.e. Sigmund Freud who’s the father of the psychoanalytic movement. He coined the term “penis envy” for what he called as the sexual inadequacy in women which manifested in all of her thinking and doings. It was postulated that girls became hysteric and neurotic when their desire to be like men couldn’t be fulfilled.

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    He said that girls where covetous for all that guys stood for and this jealousy begins sexually in the youth when a female sees that she’s devoid of a penis which her brother gets. For over 150 years this concept was approved with no major questioning and girls suffered a lot because of the believing that spread in the society as a norm. It was only in the early and later part of the 20th century which this belief has been challenged adequately by some brilliant women psychoanalysts and psychologists.

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    They challenged Freud’s theory by strongly advocating that Freud was a prisoner of his civilization and times and what he interpreted and said was predicated on the social conditions of his times. In the 19th century Victorian culture women were living a extremely discriminated and marginalized life and had plenty of restrictions which were heaped on them. In this sort of scenario whenever girls got frustrated and tried to challenge the machine they had been rebuffed ardently and they had been ridiculed for attempting to “imitate men”.


    This phenomenon was known as as “penis envy” and their feelings and emotions were rubbished as neurotic behaviour that was believed to be naturally associated with them. We wouldn’t believe it today but it’s a fact that all of the ailments of the women were actually thought to originate out of her uterus and it was stated that women had a wandering uterus. Subsequently it had been proven medically that all that talk of”wandering uterus” was a enormous rubbish.

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