
    Ποια είναι η επίδραση της εμμηνόπαυσης;

    Making a woman aware of the possible side effects of menopause can help them become pro active and in ways prevent them from a couple of them. However, each woman experiences distinct problems in this time. Some of them don’t even confront one problem while others face a range of issues. Most of the female in their menopause gain body fat because of accumulation fat close to the stomach which maybe because of hormonal imbalance.


    Decreased libido, vaginal dryness and irregular periods may result also due to menopause. Night sweat and hot flashes are a frequent knowledge in menopause, the frequency of occurrence of these problems may differ from girl to woman. Hot flashes and night sweats usually happen to disturb your day to day life and cause you to feel uneasy. Hot flash and night sweating is easily done away with if you exercise regularly.

    Exercising ensures you sweat a lot and thus makes your body temperature right. Another adverse affect that’s caused as a result of menopause is loss of appreciable quantity of bone mass that’s often called osteoporosis. Usually it starts with 1 percent reduction in the first year and increases to 2-3percent in the next few years.


    Osteoporosis is one of the issues which often go undetected until the time a fracture occurs inside your body. So as to counter osteoporosis, doctors recommend regular exercise that produces the essential calcium to your bones thereby making them powerful. Therefore you might say that the majority of the problems happened during menopause can be performed away by exercising for about 10-15 minutes frequently.

      Υπάρχουν εναλλακτικές θεραπείες για την εμμηνόπαυση;

    Some of the other issues that you may face during the menopause are heart ailments and improper blood flow. For countering heart ailments a woman must practice some cardiac exercises frequently. An improper blood flow can cause important changes in your mood; thus, it becomes crucial to eliminate this problem by exercising every day. This won’t only enhance your blood flow but will also decrease your blood pressure thereby making you feel refreshing. Apart from that, women have to have a proper diet including plenty of fruits and green vegetable which gives her the strength and immunity to combat these effects.


    Apart from physical effects, menopause also happens to affect your emotionally, causing distress, and depression. A woman must take appropriate care of her during this period, and has to eliminate depression as soon as possible since it might be really harmful in the years to come. Most of the effects brought on by menopause can be done away with routine exercising; however, there maybe some that would call for medicinal treatment. More than anything else, having a positive mindset and staying happy will help you move from this point very easily.

      Τι πρέπει να γνωρίζετε για τις γυναίκες στον Ινδουισμό;


    Hormone replacement therapy may also help you fight the issues, but these remedies normally have some side effects and not much recommended. Creams, herbs and other homeopathic medications which don’t cause any side effect may also be obtained on prescription from a physician.



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