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    We could possibly meet threat everywhere we go even when we’re only at home sleeping. There are tons of cases today of burglary, murder, robbery, rape, gang fighting and many others so that it is very important that we’re prepared for it. It’s recommended to consider having a self indulgent weapon such as a stun gun.

    Stun gun

    A stun gun or Taser is an electroshock weapon that emits electrical current to interrupt the voluntary control of muscles. It’s a terrific weapon to defend yourself from an attacker. This weapon will lead to weakness, confusion, daze and shock to the individual Tasered. This usually lasts a couple of seconds to minutes and after that, the attacker will regain his strength so that you want to move fast to escape.

    It’s initially introduced for police officers’ use against fleeing suspects. However today many are already using this weapon for self-defense purposes. It’s safe to use. You’ll have the ability to block the attacker by the electrical shock emitted by the gun but the effects will only last for a couple of minutes. It doesn’t have long-term or permanent results nor will it affect the individual’s emotional or mental thinking.

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    You don’t need to think about your own safety also because you won’t be electrocuted even with direct contact to the Tasered victim. Another fantastic thing about a stun gun is the fact that it comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. If you aren’t a fan of conventional firearm shape then you may use little stun guns.

    • You can easily place it in your pocket Having a self-defense weapon which you can bring anywhere is best. We aren’t certain where or when are we likely to meet an experience with poor people so it’s still best to be ready at all times. When you have your weapon in a small package like a stun pen then you can easily place it in your handbag or pocket and bring it with you in college, restaurant and other areas.
    • It can go undetected – Most bad men and women take advantage of this weakness of a woman. However, what he doesn’t know is that you might have a little protection weapon in your bag in a kind of lipstick or pencil. Since this is too little for him to notice, you’ll have the ability to aim or plan where to target him. Once he’s down on the ground, you should call or escape help immediately.
    • It has other useful built-in attributes – Most of these little stun guns have added built-in characteristics which can be helpful for you. One perfect example is the built-in LED flashlight attribute which you could also use during late night walks.
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