
    Ποια είναι τα απροσδόκητα συμπτώματα της περιεμμηνόπαυσης;

    Though perimenopause symptoms are well documented, the stage of perimenopause poses unexpected problems. More than the standard symptoms just, perimenopause’s influence on your body often results in strange unwanted effects. Have a look at these four uncommon or unexpected occurrences and obtain the perimenopause assist you to need!

    Ουροποιητικό σύστημα

    Infections Some women going right through perimenopause discover that for the very first time within their lives, they’re getting urinary system infections. The reason being part of the urethra (the tube that connects to your bladder) is estrogen sensitive. When estrogen becomes low or too much too, the tissue lining of the tube becomes irritated. If you have never really had a urinary system infection before, you will be surprised by how unpleasant it could truly be. The very best perimenopause help for someone coping with this problem would be to raise the intake of “estrogenic” foods or foods that mimic estrogen. An example is soy. Make an effort to boost your soy servings, having it many times daily. If this technique long is taking too, however, check with your doctor about estradiol creams which you can use to greatly help alleviate the infection. With proper usage of an estradiol cream, the infection is going away in a week’s time.

    Severe Bleeding

    Most women going right through perimenopause observe that their estrogen levels drop, however, a spike has experience by some women or a rise instead. Heavy bleeding is really a total consequence of this sudden surge of estrogen. The liner of the uterus (what gets discharged throughout a menstrual period) accumulates as the estrogen is causing it to thicken beyond normal. Once the menstrual period comes, you might notice severe bleeding unusually. The very best perimenopause assist you to can get because of this problem would be to check with your doctor relating to your options. Most doctors shall provide you with the option of experiencing a hysterectomy, going right through minor surgery where the lining of the uterus is scraped off, or something as simple as cutting your carbohydrate (promotes estrogen) intake, and upping your protein enhanced foods. Often, after a couple of months of concentrating on protein sources and wholegrains, your severe bleeding problem will away go.

      Ποια είναι η μέση ηλικία εμμηνόπαυσης;

    Menopause at 36?

    Unless your loved ones history indicates that is possible, it is extremely likely your “perimenopause” or “menopause” symptoms are increasingly being due to excess stress that you experienced. Once the physical body is quite stressed, it shuts down certain systems to be able to focus on others. Actually, a similar thing happens to over-achieving teenagers. The very best perimenopause assist you to can receive is sleep, rest, as well as your own little bit of mind. Continue vacation, spending some time together with your kids, or go use up a spare time activity you’ve always loved. Your periods should get back to you inside a month (sometimes just fourteen days) of de-stressing yourself.

    Κολπική ξηρότητα

    Though vaginal dryness is really a regular symptom of perimenopause, it really is can be probably the most upsetting ones. You’ll find nothing more distressing to a female than attempting to have sex, rather than having the ability to because their body says no. With regards to this situation, the very best perimenopause help for you personally is by using an estriol vaginal cream. Your physician should let you know how exactly to apply the cream often. Also, continue steadily to boost your soy diet, and don’t quit to have sexual activity.

      Ποια είναι τα συμπτώματα της περιεμμηνόπαυσης;



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