
    Ασφάλεια των γυναικών; Αυτοάμυνα!

    Women tend to be times targeted by competitive villains, and they can be victims of rape, rape, and several other bad things. For whatever reasons, many women do not really fight for themselves or train themselves to take on an attacker, until something awful happens. This is an unfortunate fact that many women must address, but there’s hope for the ones that are waking up to the fact of those contemporary times.

    Για να δούμε...

    The contemporary times have enabled innovations for girls to protect themselves, and with the best safety kit for girls, any female can fight off an attacker and feel confident about where they are. Before we get into the materials, you need to take into account the cost of having to take care of an attacker. Not only emotional, but healthcare expenses and treatment after the fact can grow solidly.

    The price tag is quite high, and instead of having to cover those things, you may simply buy a kit and put yourself into security no matter what.

    • Pepper Spray – You will get a little bit of pepper spray. When confronted by an attacker, pulling out this and spraying to the eyes can thwart his efforts and the more he tries to rub it out, the worst that the pain will be. This is a terrific first line of defense.
    • Lipstick – You may be asking yourself why you need makeup when involved in a scuffle, but this lipstick is rigged with more pepper spray.
    • Electronic Pocket Whistle – Attackers will fall away when you are blowing a glimpse of epic proportions. This isn’t just some arbitrary whistle that you would get a coach using, this thing is loud, annoying, and warns others instantly.
    • Personal Alarm/Light – You may have a full size alarm and light so you’re not in the shadow somewhere unsafe, you’ll have the ability to showcase where you’re, with both sound and sight. If somebody is around you, you will have the identical effect of throwing a snowball to the heavens.
    • Instructions – The final piece of this kit is a DVD and a complete instruction manual that will help you. You’re going to have the ability to learn every bit and how to use it together with maximum power, without killing somebody. The aforementioned are likely to get you moving ahead.
      Είναι η κόρη σας ασφαλής στο κολέγιο;


    The greatest safety kit for girls is made for women that are worried about dark parking lots and night walking through bad areas. While this isn’t a weapon or something violent, it is going to stun a individual enough to get a woman to escape unharmed. Predators prey on the weak, and using a fantastic kit of the nature you’ll fight off somebody and showcase that strength lies in prep, not just implementation. You might be a sitting duck, or you might be protected from harm, all it takes is a little bit of preplanning and implementation of the above alternatives.



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