
    Πώς να πάρετε φυσική ανακούφιση από τις εξάψεις;

    Where’s the cold shower, water hose, ice packs or swimming pool? This is the instant relief you think of when you receive the hot flashes of menopause. There are a lot of things that activate these hot flashes. They can vary from minor to severe in nature.

    What are the triggers?

    They are some conditions or substances that cause the symptoms of menopause. Hot flashes is one of the principal symptom of menopause. How to know you have hot flashes? Its exactly what it says it’s “hot flashes.” Your body feels or becomes flushed, over-heated and you start to sweat profusely, as if someone poured a bucket of hot water . You feel as if your temperature gauge is in overdrive or you believe you have a fever.

    They appear suddenly with no notice, are erratic and may be infrequent or frequent. Some other symptoms of menopause are: delicate emotions (you cry at the drop of a hat), impatient and feelings of depression or anxiety (mood swings), irregular menses or no menses and sleep difficulties. As with any condition, you must seek the help of a doctor to be secure and ensure good health.

      Πώς να καταπολεμήσετε την περιεμμηνόπαυση και τη μετεμμηνόπαυση;

    Some women need treatment for these symptoms with drugs prescribed by a doctor. Depending upon your severity and the recommendation of your physician you still need to be able to live a healthy lifestyle.



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