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    Millions of adults are short of sleep because of their work or habit of sleeping late and they collect sleep debts like gamblers racking up IOUs. Most individuals understand that lack of sleep makes them lousy but they are not aware of the dangers to their health. New research shows that sleep might be the third essential part of a healthy and long life apart from good diet and exercise.


    Society has been victimized by not getting enough sleep. Our society, our security, our health are in danger. The sleep deprived people are cutting short a natural rhythm that starts in the day when our internal clocks signal it is bedtime. As the head hits the pillow, breathing slows and the mind relaxes, the rapid beta waves of the daytime will change into the alpha waves of the evening.

    Then alpha waves disappear, replaced by the slower theta waves of stage-one sleep. The deep sleep period is referred to as the idle delta waves. In the absence of lights, the natural length for the best effect is about eight hours. Researchers are beginning to understand what we lose by giving up sleep.


    What happens to individuals who shortchange their sleep? In 1999, a sleep researcher at the University of Chicago; published a groundbreaking study in The Lancet in which, for six nights, young men spent four hours . During that week, their blood samples showed impaired glucose tolerance: they had been at a pre-diabetic state. The specialist believes that sleep loss is partially involved in the increasing rate of obesity.

    Lack of sleep can drive down growth hormone that controls the body’s proportions of muscle and fat. Another hormone, leptin, tells the body when it ought to feel complete. Preliminary research also correlate lack of sleep with changes in immune reaction. Robbed of sleep, a lab rat will die in around three weeks, seemingly from disease. This may suggest that the body is having difficulty fighting disease by the fluctuations of white blood cell counts and immune-response modifiers if one is insufficient sleep.

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    Another study revealed that insufficient sleep may even boost cancer risk. Additionally, it says there could be a link between the growth in breast cancer and hormone cycles interrupted by late-night light. This might be the response to why blind women are less prone to breast cancer compared to sighted women and people should find a dark night’s sleep. Those who have been badly sleep deprived performed as badly or worse on reaction-time evaluations as people with a blood-alcohol level of 0.08 percent – legally drunk in several nations.

    It’s easy to know whether you’re sleep deprived. If you can lie down in the middle of the day and fall asleep within ten minutes, then you’ve then shortchanged yourself on sleep and catching up is straightforward standard arithmetic. For each hour or any portion of it under eight hours each day you missed, you want the same amount of sleep shortly after. Sometimes a nap in the day can boost your endurance.


    The global siesta period between 1 and 3 pm are great for napping out. A brief rest of more than half an hour works best. After that, you’ll be in deep sleep and will feel helpless upon awakening and may appear sickly. It’s highly recommended not to sleep over 30 minutes in the day. Sleep resettles us emotionally and recharges our body energy and biological system. What we have consumed in the day, we will need to be substituted in the night . It’s just great to have a great night sleep.

    Unfortunately many individuals have trouble sleeping in the evening. Stay away then from alcohol and caffeine late in the day and don’t nap longer than 30 minutes. If you continue having difficulty sleeping in the night, don’t take rest at all even if you’re extremely sleepy. Make yourself occupied with anything or simply escape the house, go to the supermarket or just kill your time anywhere to get around the nap.

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    By nightfall you should be feeling tired and tired and you’ll be able to catch up what you’ve shortchanged by going to bed early. People with insomnia should give themselves an opportunity to not sleep at all daily. Any rest in the day can influence our great sleep in the evening. Unless your physician prescribes sleeping pills, you need to make yourselves really busy in the day so that your normal body system requires a great rest in the evening.

    Τι συμβαίνει;

    If nothing works, and you need to consume the sleeping pills, then in religious sense you might be suffering from the illness of the karma. In the teachings of Tao of Heaven, there are two different types of sicknesses. One is curable by medication and it’s due to our carelessness in our meals, daily life or poor habits. The other type can’t be cured by medication and it’s known as real illness or illness of the karma. It’s suffering through illness to repay what we owed to our religious creditors or the hidden creditors of the previous lives.

    These sicknesses can be quite dangerous and many will die after suffering for a definite period. Any sicknesses which can’t be treated even by the best doctor in the world, we categorized them as sicknesses of the Karma. Certain of those sicknesses purposely make the victims turn very ugly so they can’t come out daily. Some give extreme pain before they die and there are lots of evidences from the temple to show proofs. The religious creditors can appear in photos, X-ray etc hidden into the eyes in the kind of ghostly figures. Many accidents are also caused by this sort of revenge. People can suddenly turn mad or have by evil spirits. It’s merely a mysterious world. Revenge is real in this world from the revengeful hidden spirits because their souls aren’t at rest, just like our spirits that can’t sleep.

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