
    Ποιες είναι οι παρενέργειες της HRT;

    When you’ve lived at home with your mother who began displaying signs and symptoms of menopause, you’ve likely spent some time apart from her anytime she had been at home. Some of these signs and symptoms that your mother might have been manifesting includes regular complaints of headaches and psychological spells – these might be too overwhelming for her and , for you.

    Τι συμβαίνει;

    Oprah and her expert resource people habitually discussed the changes that menopausal women experience. Besides the cessation of menstrual period, it was also determined that many them are going through changes which have poor skin quality, low stamina, difficulty in controlling feelings, an inability to lose weight and hair loss. During the conversation, few of alternatives were given by the specialists which have seeking counselling, adhering to a natural diet, and studying up in menopause so as to gain a better comprehension of the changes, and getting the contentious HRT, also called the hormone replacement therapy.

    But then, many medical and natural health experts have uncertainty about the HRT since many research prove that there are serious side effects about receiving estrogen treatment. One of them includes the higher possibility of experiencing gallbladder issues. Many women on HRT develop gall stones in addition to other gall bladder issues because this hormone makes the liver overwork. Furthermore, there’s a high build-up of cholesterol levels because among the breakdown products of cholesterol is cholesterol, which may increase the risk of gallstone or gallbladder complications.

      Πώς να μην αφήσω τις κρίσεις ημικρανίας να με καταβάλουν;

    Καλό είναι να γνωρίζετε

    For individuals with breast cancer, the duration of time that HRT is administered was considered to be the culprit. Studies demonstrated that after 5 years of use, there’s a linked with the higher chance of developing breast cancer. Other side effects include blood clots, breast cancer, higher risk of developing heart ailments and receiving a stroke. For heart ailments, few studies demonstrated that there’s no increased risk with estrogen but because many girls take combined HRT, an increased chance of developing heart problems has been detected from the combines progestin and estrogen.


    A good deal of studies which have been conducted to find out why there are side effects to HRT and how to work around them, however nowadays, it wouldn’t hurt to take into account the complicated side effects of the treatment. HRT is really a solution but it’s only one solution to hormones which were affected by menopause.



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